UPDATE - Nov 9, 2021
It appears that more recent builds of Roku OS 10.5 are again allowing the public Tablo Roku Channel to operate as intended.
If you added the TabloALT channel you can now safely delete it and move back to the regular public Tablo Roku Channel.
Thanks for your patience as we worked through this issue!
Also, an update on this…
It appears that despite functioning perfectly in beta, the updated public Tablo app still does not behave well with devices running Roku OS 10.5.
While we work to resolve this issue with Roku, if your Roku device is running OS 10.5 and you are experiencing issues with the public Tablo Roku Channel, there is now a temporary alternative: the Tablo ALT channel for Roku.
As a private, non-certified channel, Tablo ALT cannot be found or added to your Roku by searching on your Roku device itself.
It must be added via your Roku account on your PC or mobile device using the code: TabloALT.
Full instructions for adding private channels to your Roku device can be found here:
If your Roku device is not yet running Roku OS 10.5 and you are not experiencing any issues with the public Tablo Channel, adding this new private channel is NOT necessary.
Once this issue has been resolved with Roku for those whose devices are running Roku OS 10.5, we will let you know.