NEW - Tablo Firmware Release 2.2.36

Look at the section titled…

" A Few Extra Notes…

Guide Data Image Change"

That’s the initial part, where the guide provider changed some things on their side related to the cover art, so initially Tablo had to prepare for that change, which they did with the 2.2.32 firmware update.

Then this happened…

Which is probably when you started seeing the stuff being cut-off. So then they had to make more adjustments to the 2.2.32 changes to lay the groundwork for the necessary logic to get the correct aspect ratio image since what they were provided to test 2.2.32 with wasn’t what was actually being sent when the guide provider actually implemented the initial change on their side,

Those additional changes are what was done in 2.2.36. So now the Tablo unit itself has all the necessary changes in place to deal with all the changes the guide provider made in the data they are providing, they just have to wait to get the actual refreshed, post-guide provider changes data from the guide provider themselves, according to the timeline above. The cover art comes from the guide provider.

Where exactly are you seeing that they said after installing the 2.2.36 firmware the cover art issue would be resolved? They explicitly state it would NOT be. Sure, it’s solved in the Tablo logic, but they still have to get the new cover art from the guide provider to process it through that logic.