Yes, I’m running 2.2.18 on Tablo; the Tizen app reports V2.4.0
For the most part, the Tizen app works well. It doesn’t seem to handle series that have lots of recordings well, though. As I’d noted in Samsung Smart TV App?, an example is if I go into my Big Bang Theory recordings
- which has 11 Seasons / 253 episodes recorded
- it initially reports 2 seasons (10 and 11) / 46 episodes
- if I exit back out to the main recordings level and come back in (sometimes more than once) all 11 seasons and associated episodes appear
– side note- it’s really tedious on the Tizen app to scroll through all of the episodes across multiple seasons and I’ve not found a way in this app to jump season-to-season like one can do with Roku - I just did a little more testing and it seems the Tizen app will successfully play episodes from seasons 10 and 11 but not from the older seasons, so those two behaviors might be related
Other notes
– all apps play successfully on the Roku app and all seasons show up right away in the Roku app
– the same 2 seasons / 46 episode display occurs in the Windows 10 app, but that app is able to play all of the episodes
– this behavior is not limited to this one series. I have checked 3 shows that have multiple seasons and they all exhibit the error of not initially showing all of the older seasons. One of those additional shows also won’t play episodes from the older seasons on Tizen, but the 3rd show will play episodes from the older seasons (frustratingly not totally consistent)