More Incorrect Guide Data

This morning my Guide for the Los Angeles area is showing me that there should be movie playing on Comet, channel 9.4, called “Bad Moon.” However, when I tune to the channel it is Home Shopping Network stuff.

When will this Guide nightmare end? This product is not useful without accurate Guide data.

Did the channel on 9.2 disappear and everything else move up one sub-channel number?

It kind of looks that way.

Looks like it isn’t just the greater LA area: Channel Guide change

This morning the Guide appears to be back to normal. I’ll know more after 9 AM Pacific when the regular content starts playing on Comet. But the guide data does match up with what is on the Comet website, and the Guide in YTTV. Fingers crossed.

EDIT: Spoke too soon. The Guide is still messed up. From Channel 9.2 down to 9.6 none of the Guide info is correct. PLEASE FIX THIS.

Hmm. The Tablo team is “investigating some solutions to resolve this issue.” Investigate faster! In the meantime this device is now unplugged and will reside in the bottom of a junk box in my closet.

I couldn’t resist the temptation to continue troubleshooting this. So I plugged my antenna directly into one of my TVs and added all the channels. Lo-and-behold, but the programming on my channels 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, etc. is all correct. So, once again, the problem is a Tablo problem and not having anything to do with the TV station sending the OTA signal.

I reported an issue with NBC show The Irrational. Broadcast 21:00 to 22:00. However episodes 2 and 3 were scheduled to record from 20:00 to 21:00. So I got “The Voice” instead. Other shows on NBC are OK as are ABC CBS etc. Tablo’s support answer “Your time zone is off”. How can it be off for only one show on NBC??? I suspect they do not actually read the support email. Is there some sort of bot that responds?

Update: Support redirected the ticket to someone who can respond. They contacted the company that provides the schedule data. It will eventually be corrected but it may be a few months. So I set a manual record up.

No it was not delayed by sports or news. Episode 1 was 21:00 to 22:00. Episodes 2 and 3 and so far all future shows show up as scheduled for 20:00 to 21:00.

Just a thought, because I ran into this problem last year at this time using my DirecTV DVR. It’s Football Season. Is it possible that there was a game on before your shows and they ran long, past their scheduled time in the guide? Like I said, I ran into this last year primarily on CBS. I went ahead and reprogrammed a bunch of my evening shows so that they tacked on an extra hour to the end of my programs. That solved it for me.

I paid for life time guide. I have several sub channels that are either incorrect or just blank. I have reported this a few times. I believe once maybe twice it has been corrected or partially fixed! Every time I run a channel scan the guide is blank or have incorrect information. For some unknown reason my Tablo decides to delete some network channels. To get that channel and the sun channels back I must do a channel scan.
Also my 14 day guide is only 12 days and some hours for the 13th day.

I put the Tablo back into action on my network, just to track this Guide issue. I see this morning that the program data on the channels is correct, but the channel logos/IDs are still not correct. What ever is going on behind the scenes is only half successful.

@bigh73521 - we had a similar issue with our Legacy Tablo guide data not automatically updating for 7-8 days and then not showing up in the Guide screen. We reported it to the company and they ran us around until finally we changed our ISP from cable to fiber and got a new IP address. I think this is what fixed it, but I have no way to know for sure. Good luck - we know how painful it is.

I’m having a similar issue with the guide info for NBC. I select shows to record but because the listings are wrong I get a recording of unrelated content. For example, ‘Sunday Today’ and ‘Meet the Press’ are listed to broadcast in my area on Sunday Nov 3 at 5AM and 6AM, but Tablo’s guide has them set to record at 2AM and 3AM. It’s not a time zone issue; other shows record properly.
Another example is SNL which broadcasts here at 10:30PM HST but I can’t rely on Tablo to record it because the guide selects a phantom listing at 5:29PM that doesn’t appear in any other TV listing. Since it cannot identify the correct ‘new’ broadcast I could probably select record all but that would quickly reduce available storage space.
I submitted a support request in early Sept and a few episodes appeared at the correct times in Oct but yesterdays listing was wrong as well as next weeks. I’ve resubmitted a request to correct it.

I too am having issues with NBC guide, but it’s not limited to the Tablo since my old Amazon Fire TV Recast and my Samsung HDTV OTA Guide are also showing the same NBC guide issues. In fact, I checked the official NBC schedule on NBC’s website and saw the same garbage! So, it’s not a Tablo problem when the networks don’t provide correct guide data in the first place.

Anyway, let’s talk about the ability to do what a 40 year old VCR could do where I can schedule a recording using TIME-FRAMES instead of just bad guide data.

Example. All of my guides were showing The Irrational at 7pm-8pm last night, and both the Tablo and Fire TV Recast recorded at that time which was wrong. At 10pm I tuned to NBC and was able to watch The Irrational at that time. However, there was no way on the Tablo that I could see to record it whatsoever. However, I was able to record this show on my Fire TV Recast since it allowed me to select the ‘To Be Announced’ hour timeframe window in it’s guide to be recorded.

You mean you want the manual recording feature that exists on the legacy models. Keep waiting.


The day following my support request I received this response:
“Unfortunately, our guide data provider is currently unable to add guide data for missing channels. Our team is investigating some solutions to resolve this issue to acquire the schedule data for channels like this in the future, but this is likely a few months away until we’re able to resolve these types of inquiries.”
However, in looking at the Tablo Live guide to see if there was a program in the 5-7AM timeslot I could record I noticed that the guide had been updated to show the correct broadcast time for both shows. My Tablo had not scheduled them to record but I was able to request recording. I don’t imaging that this issue is totally resolved but I appreciate the responsiveness.

I just wanted to add my $0.02 worth. My Tablo problems are entirely with the guide. I’ve been lucky not to have been hit by the Roku OS 14 problems. The only TV old enough to show the problem hasn’t updated to OS 14 yet. Since I don’t use that TV much, I’ve been trying to upgrade it to see if I have the problem. However, Roku hasn’t sent OS 14 to that Streaming Stick 4K.

I haven’t been as fortunate with the guide. I’ve seen the following problems in my area (Boise, ID):

  • Channels 7.3 and 7.4 have switched their programming (Quest moved from 7.4 to 7.3 and True Crime Network moved from 7.3 to 7.4). Tablo hasn’t shown the update.
  • There are recent programming updates within the last few days (NHL Hockey) on 7.2 that aren’t reflected in Tablo’s guide. The same recent programming update didn’t appear for channel 7.1 this morning (Veterans Day parade instead of Paid Programming).
  • Like many, MeTV Toons doesn’t show the programming. On that channel (9.4), everything shows as “To Be Announced”.
  • Channel 22.7 still shows as the Grio when the channel changed to Retro TV months ago.

Zap2It shows the same incorrect information as Tablo. However, TitanTV shows all of the correct information. It appears it will be months before this is resolved. That’s not good. Thankfully, the main channels don’t appear to change their programming that frequently and that’s where I record my few programs.

Tablo has been useful to me as a DVR without a subscription. It has the recording features I need, save one. That’s the ability to trust the channel guide information.

Not sure if the old trick of using a nearby zip code would help, but it might be worth a shot. Regardless of what zap2it or titan shows, I had to use the next town over’s in order to get one channel to show correctly. I’ve been using that zip since my original setup and have no idea if changing it back to my own city would break it again…

This is almost exactly what I am experiencing in my Guide. Zap2It shows the same incorrect data in their online Guide, while Titan TV shows the correct information for my channels that are out of whack.

I also had to use a different zip code than my home area.

Tablo, TVGuide, and Titantv all show a certain station in my area to be showing 24 hour older feature films. Except that when I tune to it, it’s 24hr infomercials.

I emailed Tablo support, who told me to contact the station. They said that tablo has no influence over the guide. I found the station’s website, which had a chatbox. Just for fun, I entered my comments, and the box said they would be replying soon. That was a few months ago. Of course they never wrote back. Sigh. :crying_cat_face:

I have deleted that channel from my guide and maybe if I feel like it, next summer I’ll check back to see if anything has changed.

This is one of those times when I remember something my Dad told me: I should be grateful that I have enough income and good health to allow me to waste time on such trivia.