More Incorrect Guide Data

Unfortunately, I tried every zip code of nearby cities but nothing changed. I’m not surprised since everything just said Boise.

@TabloTV - Is there any way you can check your database and see if any ZIP code in the Boise area has the correct station lineup (7.3 - Quest, 7.4 -True Crime network)?

At minimum, can you confirm the earlier comment that it’ll be months before the guide information may be updated?

Bob C

I got back from a week long business trip and now the channels I was complaining about, local 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 are fixed with the proper station ID logo and guide data being correct.

Ain’t gonna happen, but it would be nice if Tablo advised “We get our guide real cheap from a service, which is what we can afford at our (your) price point. The guide provider will fix the errors at some time, and it’s likely to be a longer wait than you would like. Don’t complain to the broadcaster or guide provider, it won’t help and they don’t care much to hear from you.”

We could be paying monthly for the guide, and it would still not be fully accurate. Listings for the major networks and big stations are probably mostly accurate because they have more stable schedules, and the staff to get the sched info out to guide providers. And the guide providers don’t want to aggravate the big broadcasters.

There is a station in my area with almost 2 dozen subchannels. Program content changes all the time and not tablo, tvg, or anybody else keeps up with it. Neither do I and I don’t bother watching that station anymore.