Low Signal Error Then Spontaneous Reboot

I’m using NP with 2.2.8. No problems here. Think I’ll stay with it a while although most problems seem to be coming from Apple users. Wondering if this is an update issue or a compatability issue with Apple?

Using 2.2.11

I was to the point of not being able to tune to any Live channel and recordings weren’t happening.
I tried doing a channel scan, but that got about halfway thru and then said no channels found and then rebooted.

I then tried connecting my antenna directly to my Tablo, instead of thru a splitter shared with the TiVo. I then rescanned channels, got all expected and added them. Now I’m not getting weak signal error and the subsequent reboot! Reconnected thru my splitter and everything is still working as it should.

Edit: seems it was only temporary. Having issues again. Will have to leave it off the splitter to see if that helps.

Edit 2: seems to be working fine when I don’t have the splitter.

I was having the same issues you described using FireTV. This problem has not occurred using 2.2.8

Not in my case. I was mainly using a Nexus Player when it started happening. It really does not seem client dependent.

Since Tablo is outright denying there is any possible connection to the 2.2.10 firmware our best bet is to continue to gather evidence.

If you are seeing the issue in 2.2.10 and not using any of the new AppleTV features added in that firmware, send support a note and ask to be put back to 2.2.8. Then report if the issue goes away.

Those of us on the 2.2.11 beta, report in after a few days if the problem goes away with that version.

Anyone still on 2.2.8, chime in if you’ve seen a reboot like described in the thread.

well, I’m sorry to say I’m not impressed with support re: the ticket I submitted. I was told to put it into remote access and then nobody ever looked at it. Of course when I was watching live TV it did it’s low signal error and rebooted. I was told it could be downgraded but they wanted to look at it first. Neither happened.

I tried that. It didn’t make a difference.

Mine didn’t even record the program I scheduled. So guess I’m stuck with live TV errors if I want to watch anything.

no, many Roku users reported it first.

@dlrmn I just took a look at your ticket - it looks like we had about ~45 minutes to access your Tablo before our support hours closed.

We try to get to these as fast as we can, but as these kind of diagnostics are fairly involved, they take time. If you’d like to try this again, we’d be more than happy to work with you.

Note that before 2.2.10 (and 2.2.11), I didn’t have any reboot issues. I have had the Tablo and Tivo splitting the incoming antenna signal for a long time with no problems until recent firmware updates. I left the Tablo connected directly to the antenna for an hour or more and kept hopping to different Live channels with no problems. I reconnected through the splitter with the Tivo (have to keep a robust DVR active!) and the within minutes, the Tablo is back to weak signal error and reboots.

It’s in remote access again. BTW, that’s what they said last time too. If there isn’t enough time then they shouldn’t ask to put it in remote or at least email back with an update. It was only 20 minutes or so between when I got their email and when I emailed them back it was ready.

Oh, and I thought he said it would stay in remote access until somebody one of us rebooted it. After I was finished watching last night I put it back into remote access but this morning it was a solid blue light.

It possibly rebooted on its own over night.

The tablo server has cron jobs that fire off in the middle of the night. I watched one of my idle tablo servers reboot itself at exactly 2AM.

Of course tablo won’t identify under what conditions the tablo server might need to reboot itself or even include a field on the setting page indicating the last time the server was rebooted.

OK. All the more reason for me to hang with 2.2.8 for a while till the air clears.

I’m using NP with 2.2.8 (haven’t updated) and a!l’s well. Waiting for the smoke to clear.