Low Signal Error Then Spontaneous Reboot

My drive is external powered.

I am using a USB powered drive. Seagate BUP Slim BK A905 (2000 GB). No problems with 2.2.8 but rebooting issues with 2.2.10.

I didn’t know you could do that. I didn’t have a problem with 2.2.8 so I think I’ll ask for that when they get back to me.

Yes you can do that but you won’t be able to use the Apple TV app I believe but if your not concerned with that definitely an option.

I have a Roku so no problem with rolling back.

We’ve made a post on this in the past: Live TV stops - Back to guide - Reboots when try to go back to chl

This still stands - there were no changes in 2.2.10 that affect power to the HD, or changes at the firmware level that would induce this kind of of behaviour at an accelerated rate.

Mentioned in the post above, we have the tools to discern between hardware defects and USB disconnects - even if we’ve looked at your unit before, we can always look again if you like.

We’re also fine with downgrading your firmware to 2.2.8 if you’d like to try this. Of course, we don’t recommend this. 2.2.10 solved a number of bugs in the previous release, not to mention some of the features and platform support it added (Recent Recordings, Apple TV).

I submitted a ticket. So, if it’s determined it’s the HD/USB connection, does that mean that the USB ports are going bad on the Tablos or people’s HD’s are going bad (or is it just an un-found bug in the latest firmware)?

Going to try a different HD tonight.

I’m wondering if it would make a difference were people with this problem to change from the USB port being used to the other one if a USB port was going bad? I had a situation awhile ago on a PC in which one USB port became unresponsive but I could still use the other two. Similarly a friend’s TV first HDMI port went bad and he had to use the second one.

I have 2 tablos and both started demonstrating the Live TV problem at the same time. So the USB and HD on both servers went bad at the same time? And the problem mysteriously disappeared after I stopped using Live TV. And both units continue to record and play OTA programs with no problems.

I guess I’ll continue on fat, dumb, and happy without Live TV. At least through the Olympics.

I tend to agree with you and I’m not sure I like the “kool-aid” being pushed by support. I am sorry but I just don’t buy it. It seems too similar to what I deal with at work where the developers upgrade their application and push it to a production server. Then all of a sudden we start having stability issues with the system. Development investigates and they blame the network, the database, the database server, anything but the only thing that changed. We revert the server to a backup and wow, everything works fine again and all the stability issues disappear. Something is rotten in Denmark (I think that’s the expression).

Support completely replaced my Tablo and it did not resolve the issue. I was one of the first reporting it since I saw it in the beta for 2.2.10.

Another bit of info, I have not seen a reboot since I got the 2.2.11 beta. Don’t know yet if that resolved it since the reboot are not all that frequent.

Something is rotten in Denmark? The Danes seem to be the happiest people in the world. Almost every year they come in #1 in the polls for the most satisfied people. Why not “Something is rotten in America?”

LOL, Yeah or Rotten in Canada, eh…

Canada? Oh dear…:astonished:

Just happened again… The bedroom Apple TV was playing a recording while the living room Apple TV was on live. The live TV kicked me back to the guide and I tried choosing a different channel and the “Weak Signal” popped up… A few seconds later Tablo rebooted. The bedroom Apple TV was still playing the recording for another 15-20 seconds before getting the disconnected message.

I’m curious to see if those on 2.2.8 or 2.2.11 beta continue to receive this error. Maybe report back every few days to see?

I’m using NP with 2.2.8. No problems here. Think I’ll stay with it a while although most problems seem to be coming from Apple users. Wondering if this is an update issue or a compatability issue with Apple?

Using 2.2.11

I was to the point of not being able to tune to any Live channel and recordings weren’t happening.
I tried doing a channel scan, but that got about halfway thru and then said no channels found and then rebooted.

I then tried connecting my antenna directly to my Tablo, instead of thru a splitter shared with the TiVo. I then rescanned channels, got all expected and added them. Now I’m not getting weak signal error and the subsequent reboot! Reconnected thru my splitter and everything is still working as it should.

Edit: seems it was only temporary. Having issues again. Will have to leave it off the splitter to see if that helps.

Edit 2: seems to be working fine when I don’t have the splitter.

I was having the same issues you described using FireTV. This problem has not occurred using 2.2.8

Not in my case. I was mainly using a Nexus Player when it started happening. It really does not seem client dependent.

Since Tablo is outright denying there is any possible connection to the 2.2.10 firmware our best bet is to continue to gather evidence.

If you are seeing the issue in 2.2.10 and not using any of the new AppleTV features added in that firmware, send support a note and ask to be put back to 2.2.8. Then report if the issue goes away.

Those of us on the 2.2.11 beta, report in after a few days if the problem goes away with that version.

Anyone still on 2.2.8, chime in if you’ve seen a reboot like described in the thread.

well, I’m sorry to say I’m not impressed with support re: the ticket I submitted. I was told to put it into remote access and then nobody ever looked at it. Of course when I was watching live TV it did it’s low signal error and rebooted. I was told it could be downgraded but they wanted to look at it first. Neither happened.