It crashes during commercials to if that helps?
I have been having the same issue for a while now. Seems completely random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes. When it does crash, I cannot get the app to work again for Live TV. Any channel I try, it crashes to the ios home screen. Very frustrating.
If you are recording the game and watching the recording as it’s being made you didn’t lose anything. Of course if you are viewing remotely that introduces other things.
We think we’ve got this one figured out and hope to get an update into everyone’s hands before the holidays.
I have the exact same problem, but for me it is with NFL games on CBS. Fox works fine, but CBS constantly crashes on ios
Another issue I’ve seen lately in the iOS app is that when viewing the guide with a filter applied (ex. Specific channel), the screen will sometimes refresh for no reason to remove the filter (ex. Revert back to all channels)
Yep. We’ve spied that too and a fix is included in the update that we hope will be available soon.
Like real soon!