I just tried the CC option on the iPad pro and experienced the same issue. I had to use the “work around” to turn CC off.
Also the closed captioning text should be positioned at a less obtrusive spot, and maybe use smaller text. Currently it is positioned close to the center of the screen where all the action is. It also jumps to the top of the screen sometimes.
Can you move the closed captioning to the very bottom of the screen and keep it from jumping around?
Also when do you expect to release a fix? I see people have been complaining about this glitch for quite some time.
Any updates on this issue?? I wasn’t having this problem last time I watched on my iPad - don’t recall now when that was but I believe before last update to current iOS 10.3.1. I cannot turn the captioning off! Super annoying! Have tried the posted workarounds I could find to no avail. Also still having same issues I posted about Apple TV more than 6 months ago without response. Tablo team gone dark again? Hello?
Does not work! Closed caption will not turn off, period. If silicone dust ever releases a 3+ OTA tuner device tablo is going in the trash as fast as I can get it there
Funny. I have no issues with closed captions on my iPad Air 2 running iOS 10.3.1 with Tablo app version 2.2.13. CC button in the lower right corner of screen turns them on and off just fine.
If that button doesn’t do anything, then you have Closed Captions forced on in Settings app->General->Accessibility->Subtitles & Captioning.
You can use multiple HDHomeRun devices at the same time with the Plex DVR software. So you could use 2 dual tuner units for 4 tuners. Your option exists.
I am wondering about the added complexity of configuring two devices for recording of conflicting programs as we frequently record overlapping 1/2 hour to 2 hour shows on multiple channels at the same time Seems like having to do “odd” and “even” channels plus account for occasional conflicts could become confusing. Still wish SD would do a three or more tuner. I am aware of their 2 tuner plus cable (making 3 tuners) but that third tuner won’t do OTA broadcast signal AFAIK
Then it’s clearly an issue with your iPad, not the Tablo itself. If the Tablo was messing up, all clients would have them.
I noticed something else. When the CC are properly on, the dialog box has rounded corners (same on my iPad). When they’re not supposed to be on, it’s square corners. Very strange.
And, just for grins, did you toggle that Closed Caption setting on and then off? There are reports that the displayed state doesn’t actually match the stored state.
Many times. Toggled, launched, exited, launched toggled, uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted,- I am rapidly concluding that it must be something specific to this iPad, perhaps an unforseen combination of installed apps, some odd corruption in … well, who knows. I’m leaning towards wiping everything and resetting as new. Thanks for the help and suggestions - I appreciate your taking the time. Cheers.
OMG. so, just for grins, I turned accessibility option closed captions to enabled, went back to tablo and closed caption toggle was now dimmed and in the enabled state (unable to toggle), then went back to general settings and set closed caption back to disabled and viola! Closed captions now off in the app.
Somehow, even though I have never enabled closed caption under accessibility and even though it indicated as disabled it was in fact apparently stuck in that state somehow. My guess is the app has hooks into the system state setting to operate the condition and it didn’t gracefully close that state at some point, rendering it stuck.
So, that depends I guess, I was operating under the assumption everyone was talking about toggling CC on/off from within the app. What finally kicked it loose was toggling CC on under system general settings
No, but from what I recall the problem did manifest about the time I upgraded. Have had 2 factor authentication configured for at least as long. The fact is, I don’t watch tablo on my iPad that often, and it was that uncertainty with the timeline and what got upgraded when and the, how should I say…less than consistent updates from the Tablo team that led me down the “latest iOS update breaks everything” rabbit hole. Once FlyingDiver forced me to rethink and realize it was just ME and MY iPad having this issue (maybe a few others but certainly not enough to say it was the iOS update which would have broken EVERYONE) I was able to fumble my way into the solution, which again is - go to the iOS settings and toggle CC under accessibility menu (not just in the app) – which I theororize forces a stuck hook from the app that enables CC there-in.
I suspect this is actually an iOS bug. As I recall, the iPad app uses the standard iOS video playback view and controls, and just supplies the video feed in a callback. So they don’t actually do anything with those controls.