Hard drive full then No Hard Drive when trying to view Live TV

I was able to fix my problem with my No Hard Drive Connected error by getting a new power adapter but now I have a different problem.
When I try to view Live TV I have to go through 2-3 error messages before it will let me go to the Live show. I always get a “Hard Drive Full” error followed by 1-2 “No Hard Drive Connected” errors. I think it’s interesting that it says the hard drive is full before stating that there’s no hard drive. How can it detect that the hard drive is full if it can’t connect to it?

It’s not a show stopper but is very annoying to have to do this every time I want to watch Live TV.

Any ideas on what’s causing this problem?

Could it be the hard drive itself failing now?

Or the HD is going into sleep mode. maybe?

The first time.e I used it last night it worked fine. After watching a different app on my Roku TV I went back to the Tablo to watch live TV and got a weak signal message followed by two hard drive full messages and another weak signal message. After that I was we to connect just fine.

How can I test/prevent this from happening?

Tablo Support would need to look at the log files.
I know, wish we could, too.

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