Getting stuck in "Please Wait retrieving information from Tablo" message

That’s not the Preview channel. Install that one, it’s a private channel not in the public Channel Store. See here:

How to add the Preview channel:

Thank you for the detailed instructions. I successfully installed the preview tablo channel for my Roku and it’s working well. Seeing the recordings is significantly faster than before.


I’m having similar issues on my Roku 2.

Recently the preview channel performance is very slow. I have noticed the following.

– Initial retrieval of all recordings takes a long time. It can takes minutes.
– retrieving a single for playback is slower than normal. It can takes minutes.
– Today a new issue has surfaced. Retrieving a recording got stuck forever. I could not get the recording to load at all.
– It also seems the performance is slower on some recent recordings compared to older recordings, but some recent recordings performance is adequate. It’s inconsistent.
– Performance is slow to retrieve after fast forwarding through a recording. For example, I fast forward to skip commercials then press play, and it takes up to a couple of minutes to begin playback.

I’ve tried various suggestions including rebooting my router, tablo, roku 2, without any improvements.

I tried similar performance testing on my iPhone Tablo app, and performance was significantly better compared to the Roku app.

Also, the performance is similar on the Roku non-preview channel.

Also, These issues seem to be coincident with the latest updates.

I’m very frustrated by this. Makes me think about going back to cable. EEEEEEEKKK!!! My wife is about to scream as well.


One more thing, the performance to initially load content is similar on the new “Guide” and “Scheduled” options in the latest Roku preview app

I feel your pain. They’ve been pulling logs so hopefully they’ll see some things to push a fix out quickly.

@jayroessler - Sorry to hear that. What firmware are you running on your Tablo & Roku?

tablo is 2.2.6
roku is v6.2. build 3672

Hey folks - We are actively tackling this specific issue.

You can read an update from our CEO on this here: A Message from the CEO of Nuvyyo

I read this post with interest. For the most part my Tablo is working fine and no different now than when I installed it in April of this year. Nothing takes minutes to load. I do however occasionally get the pause, or like it doesn’t want to restart after fast forwarding through commercials. What almost always fixes it for me is to hit the rewind button once, sometimes twice, then hit play, it then restarts in almost every instance.

I also get the occasional recording of a show that just will not start. And I never found the patience to wait minute(s) for it to respond. My fix for this (and I think has always been successful) is to click the “mark unwatched” button then click it again “mark watched” (or vise-versa depending on what that button is displayed as at the moment). After that I go to start the show and it works. I discovered this in desperation after an episode of Twilight Zone would not play. I really wanted to see it. And eventually I did.

Maybe the above solutions have been posted somewhere here before, I don’t know. But if they help any of us get through these issues before they are fixed I’m glad I could help.

Hey folks - Please see this update from our CEO on the ‘loading please wait’ message on Roku 3: A Message from the CEO of Nuvyyo