Continuing the discussion from Disconnect power:
This brings up something I’ve debated and wonder what others did or thought.
I used to have an IP address for every device on my network. Could be 30 or more at times. Weather it’s an upgrade, resetting to default, flashing to different firmware, or different router altogether – it’s tedious and monotonous. (these changes weren’t a regular occurrence, but even a couple times a year is enough)
After years of everything, I’ve settled on just devices that need to communicate with each other, specifically PCs, tablos, printers. Cut the list significantly. Of course, not what I check my LAN status… I don’t know what’s connected, well everything appears to be working, so presuming they are.
But the list of clients are just * or some name with a string of numbers. Just doesn’t quite feel right not knowing what’s going on. Someday if/when one need to do some trouble shooting, this going to make things more complicated I suspect.
Some firmware allows to not allow any connections not in the reserved list. Another, this works screwy, disable DHCP server yet enable DNSMasq to assign “Static Leases”. So as to limit access, but this isn’t a major concern.
So how many of your networked devices are in your lease reservation list? Or, all / most / few / none? @bbaorbb survey time?
I kept the router but changed the tablo - migrated the drive (first cloned to a larger). I did give it a different name and IP, then have to update 3rd parry apps. So, there is some work, but reasonably pain free. (then cloned drives again and installed it internally, this was, of course, optional )