Does anyone know how to migrate DB on harddrive from old tablo to a new replacement tablo?

As a Tablo owner, I think Tablo a niche product with the potential to blow the market wide open. The DVR market is a tough nut to crack it seems. There’s been more than few players before Tablo, and they haven’t succeeded, Tivo is the old guard and has market recognition. Tablo game is going to have to be spot on to overtake Tivo. <<

Yes, well said and I agree.
I HOPE they do NOT get bought out. I’ve survived too many of those - either buy-outs or public offerings and the result is that quality AND employees suffer as the buyer rapes the company and discards what they didn’t want to begin with. Please no!

Here’s a thought - how many here own (cough, gang, gasp) own Microsoft products? Ever have one break? Ever do a search and get into their online support, say their KB or technet only to find that to get the hotfix you MUST open a ticket - start a support call with them so they can evaluate before you get the fix? It’s not uncommon for tech companies to require you work with or through them - there’s good reasons for this and most reasons lie with the consumer not the company. 

I used to have HughesNet - talk about support issues. I am a network admin, I design and support networks and configurations more complex than theirs, I had all the proof needed to show the modem had failed. Even the logs proved it. I ran every diagnostics test available and then some they didn’t even have, it was a bad modem but do you think they would send me a replacement? No, I HAD to pay to have one of their people come to my house, trip charge, install fee and so on. I was screwed out of over $100 bucks for what they admitted was a BAD modem. I owned the modem, didn’t lease or rent it, it was only 3 or 4 months old and failed totally but they refused to support it, insisting THEIR people check it for themselves. I knew more than their bloody tech did and as young as he was I was obviously more experienced. 
Tablo is still learning so although I’m genetically incapable of patience and being PC, I try to understand their side of things (and with an occasional nudge from others in these forums, I can hopefully succeed!)

You've 100% had bad luck with the device you got but this experience is also very user dependent to say the least.

I hope you get your Tablo tomorrow and it works for years to come.

@theuser86 - I agree and my problem isn’t with the product itself really it is more of with the service.

As for my replacement @TabloTV, Just when I thought this whole service nightmare couldn’t get any worse, GUESS WHAT! I was finally given a tracking number and my replacement that I was told was sent out LAST FRIDAY just went out TODAY (Tuesday) SERIOUSLY! So it was shipped out a full FIVE DAYS later then when I was told it was shipped out, what is the excuse this time @TabloSupport? Anyone here still think this is acceptable and normal?

And I am still waiting for an answer to this question that seemingly keeps being avoided, since mine was practically new (only 4 months old before total failure) will this replacement be a new unit or a refurb (someone elses old broken junk that was “fixed”)?

 I could understand losing recordings if going to a new machine and they were stored internally.  But with an external HDD why does a new machine not just access the old drive? 

I admit to being part of the “ramp it up or you’ll die” crowd.  I am in Silicon Valley, so understand intimately how startups work and fail.  If you want to see how this can go, look at SAGETV.  That system was perfect, doing OTA recordings, great GUI, unlimited storage, and included downloaded content.  But they never got out of the enthusiast stage.  So Google bought them and they they totally disappeared, never to return.  So if Tablo is too much of a slow roll, they will be for sale cheap, and a Google-like company might buy them just to get rid of someone that is on a different strategic path.


When I have RMA’d any defective electronic device it has always taken weeks to get a new one, from hard drives, memory, solid state drives, even iPhones, etc.

This is not an unusual experience for dealing with even multi-million dollar companies. Why do you hold Tablo, a small start-up, to higher standards than big manufacturers?

I agree it’s their fault for telling you you’d be helped sooner, but getting a replacement with 7 days is pretty legit. And that’s 7 business days.


So you don't see a problem with going from being told your replacement was shipped Friday, to after asking for tracking several times and finally getting it Tuesday finding out it wasn't shipped till that day (a full 5 days later)? I mean really how long does it take to slap a label on a box? In tablo's case the answer is FIVE DAYS!

I admit to being part of the "ramp it up or you'll die" crowd.  I am in Silicon Valley, so understand intimately how startups work and fail.  If you want to see how this can go, look at SAGETV.  That system was perfect, doing OTA recordings, great GUI, unlimited storage, and included downloaded content.  But they never got out of the enthusiast stage.  So Google bought them and they they totally disappeared, never to return.  So if Tablo is too much of a slow roll, they will be for sale cheap, and a Google-like company might buy them just to get rid of someone that is on a different strategic path.

I also am in silicon valley and couldn’t agree more with exactly what you said here.

Tablo is in Ottawa’s Silicon Valley. You underestimate the Canadian talent. If you want to keep your recordings, attach / mount your USB drive to a Linux system and copy them for playing with VLC. As for delivery, US had Monday as a holiday, so delays happen. Be tankful you weren’t waiting for mail from China. Why does one call it snail mail!

All I’m saying is that most RMAs take at least 3-4 times longer than you’ve been waiting on Tablo. If you don’t think that’s true, you’ve never dealt with the giants like Intel, ASUS, Seagate, Western Digital.

You’re only upset because they told you Friday and it was Tuesday. That’s 3 business days. You cannot count the weekend. Overall your experience is much expedited in comparison to other more prominent tech companies.

All I'm saying is that most RMAs take at least 3-4 times longer than you've been waiting on Tablo. If you don't think that's true, you've never dealt with the giants like Intel, ASUS, Seagate, Western Digital.

You’re only upset because they told you Friday and it was Tuesday. That’s 3 business days. You cannot count the weekend. Overall your experience is much expedited in comparison to other more prominent tech companies.

Keep in mind we are talking about it took them 3 days to ship it, not 3 days for me to receive it. As of now I still have not received the warranty replacemen tablo. I just think 3 days to ship it from when I was told it was shipped is unacceptable.

It is clear your expectations are unrealistic. But regardless I hope everything works out.

Have you ever RMA’d another electronic producf before? Just curious.

It is clear your expectations are unrealistic. But regardless I hope everything works out.

Have you ever RMA’d another electronic producf before? Just curious.


Let me run you through a specific timeline of what happened so you can point out where my expectations are unrealistic.

Friday - I am told “the replacement unit was shipped out to you today” to which I replied with a request for tracking info and got no response.

Saturday - tablo closed

Sunday - tablo closed

Monday - I again ask for tracking again and am told “it has shipped out already” but no tracking info is given.

Tuesday - I again ask for tracking info which I finally get a number at the end of the day, I check the tracking and it shows it was just sent out today.

So they lied and sent it a full 5 days after they said they sent it, how hard is it to slap a label on a box and why was I lied to?

You still haven’t answered my question if you’ve ever RMA’d another electronic device before? And how long did it take to get your replacement?

And just to clarify, Friday was Day 0, Monday was Day 1, Tuesday was Day 2 (weekend days don’t count, as almost all companies don’t ship anything then). So it was shipped only 2 days after they told you - all likely due to a miscommunication between individuals at Tablo, which they have already personally apologized to you. That’s more customer service than I’ve gotten in a long time.

All I'm saying is that most RMAs take at least 3-4 times longer than you've been waiting on Tablo. If you don't think that's true, you've never dealt with the giants like Intel, ASUS, Seagate, Western Digital.

You’re only upset because they told you Friday and it was Tuesday. That’s 3 business days. You cannot count the weekend. Overall your experience is much expedited in comparison to other more prominent tech companies.

Keep in mind we are talking about it took them 3 days to ship it, not 3 days for me to receive it. As of now I still have not received the warranty replacemen tablo. I just think 3 days to ship it from when I was told it was shipped is unacceptable.

Seriously, you’re pissed about them taking 3 days to ship an RMA device out?  I’ve had RMA take 3 weeks before they acknowledge it and then another 3 weeks before they ship, using the slowest shipping option possible.  Three days turnaround is incredible service.

Considering that they did an advance RMA. That is rare nowdays. They could have made you ship your old one back first…

Considering that they did an advance RMA. That is rare nowdays. They could have made you ship your old one back first..

I have never come up against a company that will not advance an RMA, though most of the time they make you put a CreditCard on file (which is fine and I do understand that) so I will give tablo 1 point for doing this with no cc required.

And I still don’t know if my replacement will be a refurb (previously broken junk) unit or new unit, will figure that out once it arrives. I would like to think that I would be getting a new unit because my tablo was still pretty new but based on the fact that Tablo keeps ignoring this question, my guess is it will be someone else’s used junk unit that has been “fixed”.

But anyway I am done with this back and forth argument of RMA’s, I guess I expected too much from tablo…

Anyway I am on to my new thread with my new tablo issue (possible database corruption) that tablo cant seem to address, this is on a brand new tablo purchased from amazon up and running for 3 days before this issue arose.

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Tablo is the most disappointing product i have ever purchased. i think they all use Cable there and Tablo Tuners / DVR is a toy they play with, but it they used it they would fix the issues we all face. One thing i have purchased is a couple Mediasonic Homeworx HW180STB 3 / 4 Channel HDTV Digital Converter Box with Recording and Media Player (New Version) that allows 2TB drive to be used, and i unplug it and plug the drive my mac and have access to the recording. $32.88 gets me what $398.00 from Tablo can’t. Had i purchased 4 of them, It would have only cost $131.52 for 4 Tuners, a far cry from the $398 for the Tablo, plus the $150 for a guide that is next to useless. What really I do not understand, is how does a company go into Christmas season without their premium product in heavy stock. The 4 Tuner was out of stock at Amazon, and i just thought well i can get 10tb this way, but the management of it is a nightmare. I purchased 2 2Tuner to add to my 4 Tuner and then 2 5TB drives. I spend HOURS every day programming it because they lack a BASIC PROGRAMMING, where i can set up weekly daily recording, where it will not add on EVERY NEW repeat on other stations running the same show, and do not have to go delete all the add on’s i don’t want. I want PBS Evening news on 11.1 at 6pm every night and not th 16 oner times it is repeated, and just start to multiply the show, or series. This is just insanely STUPID, lack of caring, or proper engineering, design and supervision. I WANT A STATIC recording setup, just a button for daily or weekly repeating, and not this dynamic of wasting hours ever day to setup. I have worked from the start of Consumer Electronics and this product is not even Alpha grade for software release. Ohh how great. i can’t program shows for daily recording same time every day for same time period. i can set up to auto record, But i can’t set down and do scheduling for the week, of what i record every day, and what i want to watch for the next week or month, or when on vacation. Rather Every day i have to go through all of the schedules, and look for overlapping because of their verily lengthy Update added at 3am in the night. Gosh do they even use TV Guide in Canada? Have they ever looked at a PBS Schedule, or a market like Chicago area where i have 3 PBS Channels, broadcasting about 11 total channels. Hello, TV Guide IS NOT NEW, and that is how people program DVR’s so they set it and forget it, and get their shows from ONE SET UP and NOT A DAILY Puzzle to see what fits and what does not. If they can’t do it on their device, then build an app or browser, and let me download it monthly for my upcoming viewing, keeping my PERMANENT Daily or Weekly Shows SET, and not having to delete the 10 upcoming repeats on a daily basis. Technology is suppose to make it easier NOT CREATE WORK. You cannot even change simple things such as Sort Recorded Shows alphabetically, or by Date. You cannot rename a show that was NOT WHAT WAS ON THE SCHEDULE or EVEN THE CHOSEN SHOW, but you wish to keep. It is like they do everything in the world possible to frustrate the user, and HOT AIR of PROMISES. Yes they have potential, but they are blowing it, and i invested greatly because of all their empty promises. I would never have purchased the first, had i not believed there be a way to convert my data from the 2tb to the 5. Simple, do to others as YOU WISH done to you, and Tablo Fails on this. Would you buy a computer like this?? NO. And a GLOBAL DO NOT RECORD DUPLICATES, is not even close to what i needed. Unless you watch only a couple shows. I only wish they wake up smell the coffee, get into hight gear and FIX THIS, and BTW, KEEP EXTRA STOCK available going into Christmas Season. WAKE UP, before it is too late.

Rant much?


@melee - Sorry to hear you’re having a frustrating time. It sounds like you may benefit from using the manual recording option:


So you resurrected a 1 year old thread about HDD transfers to replacement devices so you can whine about programming recordings?

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