The claim is that Tablo customers are the number one priority, correct??
If that’s the case, then please explain why I was left out in the cold today (7/6/20)??
I was on hold with “support”(?) for almost a half hour and when 5:31 PM came along, I was conveniently disconnected from the cue!!
Completely inexcusable!!!
I suspect that others fell victim to this wonderful manipulation as well (as there were still three calls ahead of me)!!
If you’re inadequately staffed, that’s not the customer’s fault, is it?? You don’t just dissapear because the day is over (and much too early to begin with, I might add)!!
Your customer’s are the lifeblood of your business and the success of this type of product relies upon maintaining confidence by providing exceptional customer support!!
Even if only one person is manning the phone lines, they need to finish their work!!
This attitude/approach is a total disgrace!!
That was completely unacceptable and a true sign of a company that doesn’t truly care about their customers needs!!
If there are calls waiting in the cue, you don’t conveniently disconnect them at 5:31 PM!!
That’s horrible (and alienating) customer (lack of) support!!
Let’s see what creative excuse is used in this situation?..perhaps it was a “technical problem”?? Sorry!..but there’s no acceptable excuse for disconnecting the phone lines with customer’s still remaining on hold!!
None whatsoever!!
Number one priority?? I don’t think so!!!
If this is what can be expected from this company, then I’ll be returning my new unit immediately!!
Thank you for instilling such confidence in your company, Tablo
That is definitely disappointing but I think it’s fair for support to chime in with their side as well. Depending on your specific issue, have you tried posting your issue on this community?
You must live somewhere close to the East Coast.
Some companies have support centers on the East Coast or Mid-West. On the West coast it’s pretty common to have the CRM call center software chop you off one way or the other at the end of their work day.
If you don’t get into the queue by 2 PM PDT you are usually SOL until the next day.
its implied but unconfirmed
that is bizarre as there is a heat wave across the US
its not the fault of the worker at or near the bottom of the scale either. maybe someone else decides when they are done no matter how disgraceful they are
that’s right any business number one priority and motive is profits
they have a market for refurbished units
sad you didn’t mention what you tablo issue was lots of quit responses here from users who already struggled through issues so others don’t
I’m hoping to get feedback here from them on this issue (it might even be amusing!) but regardless, it’s an extremely bad (and quite alienating) choice to just disconnect customers (that have been holding on for some time) just for the sake of their convenience!
It represents a complete lack of courtesy and the real support that they claim to provide!
I don’t believe that this is truly a “common” practice! I’ve been on hold with other companies beyond “closing time” and wasn’t simply cut off!
It’s extremely discourteous and very discouraging! There truly is no justification!
What is the issue? You have not stated it. Maybe some of us have experience with it.
They’re located in Canada, not the US.
Which makes this even more surprising to me!
I’m not blaming the “worker”.
I’m blaming a very poor policy that the “worker” may be forced to comply with!
If the number one priority is profits, then then shouldn’t be making the (ludicrous and false) claim that the customer is their number one priority (as per their outgoing message)!
…and profits become less and less as you alienate the end user more and more!
This is a perfect example of alienation!
If people are on hold prior to “closing time”, you don’t disregard them completely!!
If you’re in a store prior to closing time and on line to pay for your items, should they throw you out of the store and not allow you to complete your transaction??
What they’re doing makes absolutely no sense!!
And this is the part I’m saying it would be nice to hear their side as well. It’s frustrating regardless but maybe there is some explanation as to what went on in your situation that would at least give some context.
For clarification, there was no “situation”.
I was simply on hold, waiting to speak to someone regarding some basic questions (prior to starting to use the unit).
It wasn’t a situation where they had already spoken to me previously. It was a first time attempt to reach them. Great first impression!!
It’s kind of irrelevant as to what my issues were, as this nonsense has completely alienated me!
I can’t think of anything that would justify this blatant lack of concern for their customers!
They kept me on hold for close to 30 mins.
That’s not such a big deal to me. The recording assured me that my call would be answered.
At 5:31 PM (EDT), I was not only disconnected but a recording was played to inform me that their offices were now closed!
I’m sure that this has occured to many customers (or potential customers).
The only difference is that someone needs to take issue (aggressively) to this problem, because it needs to change!..and quickly!
It will be to everyone’s benefit!
So basically, if their contribution is excuses, I’m not at all interested in becoming a customer!
If they make a swift change in this (outrageously bad) policy, I might be convinced to not return my new unit. They’re not the only game in town!
OK, OK, OK. There are some very bright people in this community and they can help solve ANY problem. Pls give details of your problem.
It’s very clear that @Displeased simply came here to vent their anger about being hung up on and isn’t looking for any real help.
They apparently were hoping others here would join in and bash Tablo for their limited support hours. Unfortunately for them, most of us here are very satisfied with our Tablos and the support that we have received either from this forum or from Tablo Support. I agree it would be great to have longer support hours, but I’m not willing to pay more for my DVR just to have 24/7 support.
But… certainly there are better ways of handling support beside keeping someone on hold for over an hour and then disconnecting. Sure, accidents do happen… but if this isn’t a one time deal, it’s certainly something Nuvyyo should look into.
Support is hard. Rare are the companies that can do it well.
I have been in the tech industry for over 35 years. I have dealt with issues that are definitely frustrating. All companies have business hours, and they also have issues from time to time with their systems.
I have found the worst way to get technical support from any company is via the phone. I always search the message boards first, and if I don’t find my answer, I use an email ticket that includes my email address, phone number and alternative contact methods.
Tablo has always responded to my email requests in a timely fashion (it may not happen in 10 minutes, but it is always within one business day). In fact, they have performed better that most other companies I work with. And I literally have spent over $100,000 with some of these other companies, and Tablo sold me two 4-tuner DVRs and a lifetime subscription.
Several times, they even picked up the phone and called me about the issue. They have resolved every problem I have encountered (again - I am a tech head with tons of tech, I usually don’t ask the “easy questions”).
While I feel your pain in your situation, I would suggest taking the time to open a support ticket via email, and leave them your questions and a method to contact you. They will take care of the problem.
If you don’t think that I’m justified in objecting to being rudely disconnected (after patiently waiting on hold for some time), that’s certainly your preogative. However, there are already serious limitations on their phone support hours (until only 5:30 PM, eastern time and no weekends is very limited and unrealistic in the real world)!
Based upon the fact that their hours are far too limited already, they should at least allow the customers that have been stuck on hold to speak with someone! Some of us prefer the option of having a conversation and getting results more quickly, as opposed to waiting for an email response (which can often be inconsistent). That’s why phone support exists in the first place, does it not?
All that I’m basically saying is that, if you’re going to do something, do it right!
I never put the major emphasis on their limited hours (although it certainly leaves a lot to be desired).
I took issue to the fact that I would expect better treatment from this type of company, than how this is being handled!..and there’s nothing that points to this being a mistake or an accident!
I’m sorry for belaboring this and I sincerely appreciate everyone’s input…but sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the oil and being passive about (what I consider to be) an abusive practice accomplishes nothing in the long run!
I’m also sure that they routinely read this forum!
I am not saying that you shouldn’t be upset. I do not believe the intentions of the support staff were to “rudely disconnect” the call. I don’t have proof whether it was a technical issue, or something else. Remember, Tablo is a small business (as compared to a company like TiVo), and their prices come nowhere near what TiVo charges.
Yes, their phone support is limited. Email works 24/7 - and they have always been responsive in responding to my messages - and there are many people in the community that will help you as well.
Here is a suggestion - send them an email, and give them a phone number and a time frame (i.e. between 3:30PM and 5:30PM) to call you back. I am sure they will arrange for it to happen. They have always been respectful and helpful in every interaction I have had with them.
In this analogy, you already paid.
possible there was some mumbled recorded message stating sopport hours?
So your device works, but you are …upset, about this instead of enjoying your new OTA DVR. OK, it’s priorities.
Because what they’re doing didn’t achieve record sales and one of the top rated OTA DRV?
Product purchased, they make no additional profit from extended service contracts, future updates or tech support in perpetuity. That’s only profit you contribute to, how much more of a customer could you become?
Yes… just getting it all out - displeased about misinterpretation
Agree, one day called in the AM Ave up after half hour, called later after noon - 10min! Always got an email response (weather it followed my issue or not)
I could have been more clear. Not that it’s likely but I’m curious, like someone mentioned above, if there was something technical that happened with their support lines that affected you or what exactly. That’s what I meant by “situation”.