Crappy dvr, not ready for the wild (ancient post)

This is tiresome and irrelevant. You win. Congratulations! :beers:

OK folks… Let’s tone down the back & forth.

@forthwest - The support team is happy to help you investigate why you’re having issues.

I have a ticket in with them. Thank you.

I think this back and forth is indicative of the frustrations we are all having. I believe we all want Tablo to succeed and are frustrated that things are not working or updates are happening slower than we hope. Are there not enough developers to meet the needs? Has Tablo thought about opening the software to outside developers? I am sure there are plenty talented folks on the forums that would love to take a crack at helping improve the product.

Most of my problems just kept getting worse after 2.2.8. Currently I have two PCs working, after a 15 minute wait and 2 Rokus that only work if you consider watching a spinner working.

It is news to me that Tablo support talks. What is that number?

The last problem was the no hard drive issue and I finally got one that works, although I only got a 1 T drive because it is the third hard drive that worked and I haven’t had one last long enough to get full yet.

At one point in life I did field service and tech support via phone and the situation I have with the Tablo is the worst for customer relations, the product that works out of the box and then fails, or worse gets glitchy. Customers will usually understand start up problems but start looking for a replacement when the problem comes back.

The remote connect has never worked and shows different ports on the Kindle than show on the Web app, but the important thing is that the Rokus and the Tablo were supposed to have replaced a PC based PVR system that lasted for years.

I still have the HDHomeruns and may go back to the PC for my recording.

The Tablo doesn’t do anything new, it was just supposed to be an appliance type solution which would be less trouble to get working.

I have had this system with a varying combination of 2 Rokus and 2 PCs and 1 Kindle Fire working perfectly until it doesn’t. I also have 2 Kindle Fires that never worked, but the App won’t install on one of them so I don’t blame the Tablo.


I’m to the point that I’m going to return it. It still records duplicates, I’m missing recordings and the hanging and freezing and lpw’s are annoying. I’m either going to get a TiVo or just do without. We have Hulu so it’s not a huge deal. For the price of tablo, lifetime service should be included as this product is simply a beta test at best.

Well as it appears no one cares, I did return my tablo after calling support yesterday to figure out some of my issues. I told them if I didn’t hear back I planned on returning the tablo. You guessed it…I never heard back. This isn’t the way to gain the trust of someone investing their hard earned money into a company very few have heard of and that very limited numbers of people are going out on limb to try your product that doesn’t appear to be going up in terms of sustainability. Maybe some day that will change and I will consider trying your product again. Until then, it’s not fair to expect users to pay what you charge to beta test your hardware. If that’s the case, then you should include the guide data at no charge.

@TabloMark - My apologies for the long wait in getting a hold of us. Our commitment is to return both calls and emails within 24-hours of their request.

As a small company, we feel this is reasonable, and we do our absolute best to fulfill that commitment. I sincerely apologize if we let you down.

You show the patience of Job in replying to some of posts in this community.


What’s unfortunate, at least to those of us who enjoy using the Tablo, are the tasteless adjectives used in titles (and posts) such as “crappy” and “turkey” that reflect only a segment’s experience with the Tablo. Imagine how classless it would be to appear at THEIR house and make comments at THEIR dinner table that THEIR meal was “crappy.”

It’s the internet :wink: People not standing in front of others feel they can lower themselves to speak to any one the way they think. Shows a lot about people :wink:

Even though my Tablo experience has been first rate, I would never presume to state publicly that the Tablo is first rate for everyone. I can only offer a data point based on my experience. Yet, some in this community wildly generalize based on their own personal experience. It seems like a narrow view of the world - what happens to me must be happening to nearly everyone. I guess it is frustration bubbling over.

My rule of thumb based on no evidence whatsoever - pure speculation: 50% of the problems posted in this community could be solved with proper rebooting of router, Tablo and Roku (or other device) in that order, leaving 2 minutes before rebooting. Of the 50% of problems that remain, 50% of those are related to poor reception or network problems or hard drive issues, . 50% of what is left is related to problems of a streaming device (e.g. roku). What remains are problems that Tablo is working on.


When I was reading about the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero (a third the size of a dollar bill), it occurred to me that Tablo should write a client for it (using Android), package it with every Tablo so it can be taped on the back of any TV if a customer has no streaming device (or has a Roku :wink:). Their own code - not written to anybody’s API or scripting language. One wouldn’t be obliged to use it but it would be there Day One dedicated strictly to Tablo functionality. If your device doesn’t work, slap that puppy on there :dog:

I believe that the original Raspberry Pi has been used for XMBC\Kodi.

I think you had 150% there :stuck_out_tongue:

I do the betas so I have seen issues there, but otherwise things have been pretty smooth for me as well.

As far as %s I am going to say we see more complaints than anything because people, in general, do not usually come to praise products. Here is a good read:

I like this line : “Handle the issue with tact and respect” :wink:

Muddled writing but I meant to say, 50% of problems. . ., would be solved by proper reboots, then 50% of what is left (i.e. 25%) are related to non-Tablo reception and hardware issues, and then 50% of what is left (i.e. 12.5%). . . are related to streaming device with the remaining 12.5% being Tablo related. So hopefully it only adds to 100%. But the numbers are only my own speculation as to the nature of the problems presented here.


Yes, and everyone that posts on here is on there own speculation. Only Tablo knows how many customers they have and how many have issues (At least if they opened a ticket).

Basically anyone who says everyone has these issues, or most people have these issues… Are wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

I always tell my daughters don’t say everyone, you just don’t know

he did say

just clarifying…

and he should have finished with “The remaining 50%” :wink:

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I stand corrected lol

But, spot on none the less

It also depends on how one uses the Tablo. I use it strictly for recording. The recorded shows go to Plex and I view them this way (like others). So my usage of the Tablo doesn’t put a lot of stress on it. The viewing\streaming device doesn’t have that much importance for me.

As well, I use my PC (with Hauppauge tuner) to also record shows my wife and I must absolutely have. Two sources for recording. If one fails, the other has a chance of picking it up. This way we don’t depend on one device.

A lot of frustration avoided by having multiple viewing and recording sources.

Yes true, I use mine for Live TV only in the morning to watch the news for like 30 minutes. After that it is all watching recordings on Chrome, Roku and iPad.

I don’t have multiple users at the same time so I may not see issues where multiple people are watching at the same time and having lag.