Craftsy Channel

I am unable to watch or record shows the Craftsy Channel. Are others experiencing this issue with just one channel? I’ve tried rebooting my Tablo but that did not work.

Wondering what market are you in? EDIT: well, I guess it’s a FAST channel. Ours is working in the D/FW area.

Sorry you’re running into that.

What happens when you try playing the Craftsy Channel? Is there an error, does it freeze?

It may be viable to try clearing the cache on your app: Tablo TV App Cache - How and When to Clear It – Tablo .

Thank you. I will try that to see if that works.

I’m in the Nashville area.

Having the same issue. Craftsy channel showing nothing but a gray screen. It would be helpful if other users who do not watch Craftsy would take a minute and see if this widespread.

I just added it to my Tablo, and it is working fine (Android phone). I am also in the Nashville area.

Mine works if I switch to the Fire Stick but it still won’t work on Apple TV. I’ve done everything I can think of. Thanks for the feedback.

I just tried it on my iPhone and got a gray screen.

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I get this on my Android phone…

Working just fine for me in Connecticut.

Just tried it from Chicagoland and worked on my Android phone. Recorded show and played it back.

I just tried it on my IPhone and tablet and also got a gray screen just like Apple TV.

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Was able to try on my Apple TV and I get a blank gray screen.

I’m still getting the gray screen when I try to watch Craftsy Channel on my Apple products. It works fine on the Amazon Fire stick but I prefer to use Tablo through Apple TV as I have fewer problems with buffering. It seems other people are also having a problem with this particular channel. Can you suggest any other solution?

I tried again this morning on my new-ish Samsung TV and latest Amazon Fire Stick and it’s not working still. In fact, I don’t know if the FAST channels have ever worked for us in the past 6 months since we purchased the Gen4.

We always get some combination of A Playback Error Occurred, A Network Error Occurred, or Weak Signal.

FAST channels are delivered through the Internet, and I’m running 1Gbps fiber and on 5Ghz Amazon FireTV Stick to my router barely 15 ft away. My latest speed test from the FireTV shows:

Signal strength: High (-40 dBm)
Noise: Average (-77 dBm)
S/N Ratio: Average (37)
Internet Speed 251.11 Mbps

One thing I’d like to do is change the DNS in the Fire Stick to Cloudflare, but it looks like it’s hard-coded to Google

At any rate, my FAST channels aren’t working including Craftsy.

Also, same results on Samsung Galaxy S24+ phone.

I get nothing on the crafts channel on my iPhone.

I never heard of the Craftsy TV channel so I just added it to my guide then saved the changes. Went to live TV and the channel is working fine. I’m using an onn 4k pro with an old Vizio TV.

I was able to find a way to update the FireStick DNS to and Once that was done I attempted to load the FAST channels but, alas, still no worky.

The new error is “Storage is Full”. So, I reset the Tablo and restarted my network to see if that fixed it and… YES! The FAST channels appear to be working.

So, I think the trick was to make sure the streaming device network DNS matched the router DNS. In my case, changing from to appears to have worked.

This is the first time I’ve seen a FAST channel work since we purchased the Gen4 device.

I received a black screen when trying to watch the Craftsy Channel from my iPhone. However, the channel worked perfectly from my Roku device. I assume the codec the Craftsy Channel uses isn’t currently compatible with the iOS or tvOS devices.