Commercial Skip Not working

What’s a troll?


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Now make him orange with blonde hair and you’ve got it.

Please consider Emma-Peel-Detection as a new-premium-feature-request. Dedicate all spare tuners to constantly scan & record Emma Peel. It wouldn’t be a terrible bug if it accidentally recorded Catwoman too.

I’ve subscribed to this forum just to let all know that I have asked for support about commercial skip not working properly. I have sent all kinds of images and parts of recordings. This add on has a mind of it’s own. Skips commercials then doesn’t skip (even if the yellow lines are present)

I have worked on many Microsoft betas and I must say that this service is not stable at all.

Recording and playback are fine. Commercial skip, well it sucks.

Unfortunately, I can’t get support to agree with me. They looked at one of my recordings to say that they did not find an issue. I watch the show and it skips on first set commercials, does nothing on the next set… man how frustrating :frowning :sleepy:

I had to reinstall the app on my Samsung tablets because it di not work at all

I love the idea, but had to turn off commercial skip because of the uploading time conflicts with trying to watch non-tablo roku channels. My internet speed wasn’t fast enough, so it created a huge buffering issue. I suggested allowing users to set a time frame for uploading, but never received a response from Tablo. I have not seen anyone else mentioning this. Am I the only one with that issue?

No, it has been mentioned - that along with allowing overnight maintenance mode for time shifters.

Sorry, I don’t have any quick bookmarks for those post, most of the response were along the lines - “we’re looking into this”, it’s something we’re considering… and various blow-off responses (you can find post dating years back claiming something “is in the works”)