ATT 5268AC router Port Forwarding issue

I just setup Tablo 4 tuner and having issues setting up Remote Access. I have ATT Uverse Device 5268AC. Tablo is telling me to setup 21010 > 8887 and 2106C > 80. i believe that i have the 21010 setup, but each time i try to setup 2106C i get an error.

Warning: Service Disruption Warning
WARNING! Adding this Firewall Application Profile may cause AT&T TV to stop working.

when i hit Continue, it doesn’t do anything. Any help would be appreciated. Screen prints would REALLY help.


Is that a typo? A port number should be all numberical values, no letters.

Check out the link below for screenshots. For the 1st port entry, it should read as below, the “Map to Host Port” must be the “internal port number” which is different than the external port number.

Port Range: From: 21010 to 21010

Map to Host Port: 8887

No, that’s what the Tablo Setup screen shows. I guess because I’m new, I can’t post a picture/screen print.
but i’ll try…:slight_smile:

Lol check it on another device, such as a computer or iPad - it should be 21060, it is a 0 that is cut off, not a C.

So the 2nd port entry will read:

Port Range: From: 21060 to 21060

Map to Host Port: 80

still getting the stupid error. i notice that when i enter port 80 it turns yellow…

It won’t allow you to hit “Add to List” with those details?

Well, i don’t know what i did differently… but it now says that I have it setup correctly…
Now i’ll have to leave the house to confirm.

Guess i just had to keep trying, with new App Profile name, retype retype…


You don’t have to leave the house, just try connecting to the Tablo on a smartphone with the WiFi turned off. This will use the LTE of your cell service.

Note of caution if you play anything over LTE, it may use a lot of your data.

Thank you for assistance. I’ll try that, Long term, i plan on using at a different house that has internet. will have to monitor usage though.

The key to being able to do this is the upload speed of the internet where the Tablo is located - what is the speed of it?

As well, to use a device remotely, you have to “pair” the playback device to the Tablo locally before taking it to this 2nd location.

Upload speed isn’t much. 1.08 on latest test. My phone, computer and tablet are sync’d. I have some Rokus at the other location that i’ll need to bring home (at least one of them). Was planning on using it more as a back up, as the other location is rural and OTA is limited some times. I just tested using my cell phone and it worked. pretty good picture. Thanks again for your help.

No problem - so only caveat is the the Roku devices do not support Tablo Connect (aka remote playback).

1.08 Mbps was the best upload speed? Or was that 1.08 MB/s? Mbps is megaBITS per second, MB/s is megaBYTES per second. 1.08 Mbps is quite slow for streaming Tablo video which at the lowest HD setting is 720p 3 Mbps - you’ll likely run into buffering issues.

Yes, he may be correct. The best I can get from CenturyLink is 6.144/0.896 Mbps at my location. So I don’t even think about using Tablo remote. Maybe some day.

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