Hmmm…so…that would be slightly more difficult…so, the ‘shows’ gives me just all of the shows…and I can provide qualifiers for primetime, new, premiering…the interesting thing is that the ‘show’ itself doesn’t have that information, so the view that’s used to get that information has to be doing some sort of join between the show and airings. but ‘Pilot’ isn’t one of the filters I can use for shows, which means to provide that information I would need to first pull back all of the shows, then go back and get all of the airings, match them up to the shows, and then allow for that filter…I may be willing/able to provide that information at some point…but the only ‘airing’ that I’m doing anything with at the moment is the scheduled, and that’s coming across via specific rest call.
I just put .09 out there, has some new features
Maybe you could have an Airings button that would be a fourth list that could show Season and Episode filtered by the blacklist, regardless of whether it’s scheduled or not. You could also put a checkbox to filter only scheduled or two check-boxes (or 3 radio buttons) to get all combinations of scheduled/non-scheduled . It would work somewhat like the Coming Soon feature on Roku and also allow to see non-scheduled if desired. Yes, a huge list would be returned if their are no filters.
so there’s just the beginnings of a working product, and you want version 2 already
I got it working on my windows box by downloading the specific 64 bit JRE version
The download button still downloaded 08 instead of 09 for me.
More thoughts on my “Pilot” request. You can drop this or put it on the back burner if you have other things you would rather work on but… You could instead add a “Search Airings” function that could search by Name, Channel, Season, Episode, Description, Genre, etc. I’m not sure if this is an easier or harder way to go about this.
That’s an unfortunate “know issue” that pops up… overwhelmed with feature requests I’m guessing
It’s not the same, but you can sort or any column just by clicking on it’s heading.
:bummer: :bewildered: :disappointment: :befuddled: …it’s so discouraging there’s no faces for it… that you didn’t give your linux system more of a chance.
Oh I love my poor under-powered Linux system. That is much the reason it exists, to prove you can do almost everything on Linux… for free… with less powerful hardware…
It’s actually a dual-boot Windows 10 / Lubuntu system. Youtube videos when booted to Windows 10 are unwatchable but smooth on Lubuntu.
without venturing off topic too much - you know “free software” doesn’t actually refer to the cost!?! It’s the freedom to use it with out restrictive copyright, not to say it’s not copyright protected. Generally it allows you to use it “freely”
Most wonderful thing I find with linux systems, you can pretty much make it look and feel how ever works for you, not a one-size-fits-all. Windows people say “it does everything I need it to”. Compared to what? How did you decide that? MS said this is how it works… so that’s how you what it to work, maybe. I’m not Windows condemnation, just there are options.
I’ve never had that problem before this project. You should now find that .09 download link is downloading the proper file
It looks like the path to ffplay is now hard coded to be c:\ffplay\bin\ffplay.exe. I used a softlink as a workaround since I use c:\ffmpeg\bin. I first noticed it in .08
That was actually an artifact of incorrect find/replace. You should find in .09 that it’s corrected.
I deleted the db from the previous .08 version and let a new one get created it is still there in .09.
PS R:\tmp\APLTABLO\APLTablo-.09> java -jar APLTablo.jar
2019-08-22 09:38:21,843 [INFO ] APL Tablo .09
2019-08-22 09:38:21,844 [INFO ] Logging set at DEBUG
2019-08-22 09:38:21,845 [INFO ] Starting Processing
2019-08-22 09:38:26,959 [INFO ] Initalizing DB
2019-08-22 09:40:12,651 [ERROR] Error starting process: Cannot run program “C:\ffplay\bin\ffplay.exe”: CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
This isn’t specific to APL Tablo, I may be the last one to upgrade to 2.2.26… I have no tablo apps supporting commercial skip, to enable it. In Recorded, it shows “processing”, yes I know this is just info provided from my tablo device. Is it enabled by default? and uploaded data even if I don’t want it, or is just just a “default” state?
There have been requests/suggestions for searching and sorting options, how about…
-No facility for sanitizing special characters from filenames ? ’ ! & Customizing filenames? A filename template, someday, maybe?
-The only “progress” indication is the “Exporting…” notation in the status column. Ok, but export complete isn’t a persistent value…
-If you re-open Recorded, and try to export a show a second time, it doesn’t tell you it’s not going to because the file already exists. Just seems to do nothing.
-In Shows, it appears if there’s a compound genre “Drama,Western” you can’t add [add genre to blacklist] which kind of seems right, which one, or both? Should option be greyed out, or indicated why nothing happens?
-Recorded, I highlight a show, click watch, it plays - cool! Close player select another show, plays - cool. Randomly repeat. Only get one (1) opportunity to watch a show? If I select a show a second time - nothing, no message either. If I close Recorded and start over, I can… but again only get one chance. Someday, an option to choose media player?
-Menu options File > Close | Help > About appear to lack function.
That may be kwel to some, but you provide most of the pertentant information already. The streaming URL could be helpful for some discovering they can use virtually any player they choose. These just don’t fit into the shell scripts (batch files) I have working already.
Then again, as this grows, who knows how much this is going to grow. I may have some ability be automated. Or create lines to incorporate into “system scheduler”!
…are you really allowed to share things based on discussions you’ve seen?
I currently pull the following characters out of filenames automatically ~#%&*{}\:<>?/+|"], I’ve thought about the possibility of someone wanting to choose the outbound file name, but I haven’t implemented any choices along those lines quite yet…maybe
How long should I leave Export complete up there before clearing it?
I previously had it overwrite the file, but there were times, with ComSkip, that I had already exported the file, but I wanted to re-analyze it with ComSkip instead of my own analysis…and I didn’t want to go through the process of re-exporting it, so I wrote it to check to see if the export was already there, and if so, don’t do anything with it, but re-analyze, if that’s the option chosen…I put a note in the log telling you that it it didn’t re-export, but I suppose I should give you some sort of indication in the GUI as well
If you check the log when you tell it to do that, you’ll see it log something along the lines of ‘Do Something’…before I published this utility I was working on building that GUI, and then came across all of the ‘it’s not working’ problems with linux and such, so got distracted with that and other things…build gui’s is really not my favorite part of coding…but my eventual plan for those is to provide a gui and allow you to select one/many of the genres available, and treat it very similar to the same function of only a single…that one’s still a work in progress
So…I haven’t put the time into figuring this particular one out…everything that happens on the right click kicks off a thread, so that the main window is still responsive, while the other thread is out there doing its thing. The thing I’ve noticed, that you picked up on, is that you can only launch a thread on a given record once, the second time you try to do it, it doesn’t do ANYTHING…nothing at all, just seems to ignore you altogether. I suspect it’s a problem of me not stopping the thread when it’s done, or something along those lines, due to the fact that I can re-use it by either closing the window and re-opening, or hitting the ‘refresh table’ button, it’s never been high on my priority list of things to fix…but it is certainly on my list.
100% correct…I copied this project from another one where I did have some menus defined and functional, but never got around to putting that functionality into this tool. My eventual plans are to have an actual settings menu, allow you to disable the Tablos that you don’t want to work with at the moment, manage the blacklist, etc…but I’ve had other ‘more pressing’ things on my list since I published it, so I haven’t gotten to those yet…
As you pointed out in another post…this is still a Beta…I expect the 1.0 version will have all of the planned (at the time) functions built out…I published this when I did because you ‘goaded’ me with my ‘soon’ comment, so I made soon, sooner than my otherwise plan, and yall can enjoy the fruits of my labor before they are truly ripe, and help guide the future of it also.
I provided that for you actually…you requested the Object ID…I wasn’t interested in providing the object ID specifically, because it’s pretty single use type of functionality, but, with the URL that I provide, all of the information the Tablo has on the object (including the object id) is available to you…so instead of providing just the one piece you were wanting, I decided to provide everything, and let you, the consumer, decide if you wanted to utilize that information or not.
I haven’t been smote by the Tablo gods yet, so I hope the information leak wasn’t too serious
Nuvyyo is a small consumer products company.
Unlike commercial products I doubt they enabled API’s based on a specific NDA. They didn’t see it coming.
But now the genie is out of the bottle.
That’s all this list is suppose to be, sorry it the tone came across as complaints. Yes, after I made the “soon” comment and then you released it… I kind of felt a bit obligated to give it a try. I wasn’t actually complaining, just sharing some experiences supposedly to help get things working from perspective of other’s.
Guess I’ve only actually have an apostrophe, semi-colon and exclamation. Generally modern file-managers seem to overlook all theses, even if they don’t belong. Just suggesting because it’s possible to be a problem someday for someone, maybe.
You kind of answered this… just some sort of indication, it’s already done if I try to do it again… protect user from them selves. click - click - click, “it don’t work”
The log to be the same and what’s displayed in the terminal as the program is running, I do watch it… but missed the Do Something
since I was cleaning up my Shows list. But if these are because you trying to “make it work with linux” oh… sorry about the hassle
Well, it’s unlikely I’d use the watch function much, but who knows how this will evolve. Or how other user user will benefit - Just “kicking the tires” at it goes.
Kind of like here when someone points out, they’ve already openly released much of the code as to how to interact with their device… but they everyone else to sign a NDA saying they won’t let anyone else know. (ok, I’ve kind of paraphrased and added sarcasm)
He didn’t actually tell much. It’s known tablo has no security, HTTPS, sign/log in, verification, authentication or parental controls.
Much of the info I’ve gathered came from old web pages and watching network traffic in a browser.
If you plan was to release a Windows platform application - really sorry for the detour. Slightly feared it may be, discovered a java program! It’s my [mis]understanding java is platform independent and portable. So I got involved. I do really appreciate having a list with an actual schedule, in date order. This fills a big deficit I believe! After that, truly, at this point I can’t say where I’ll go with it… wait and see.