Anybody else annoyed by the prominent (default) placement of the new Delete function?

Yup, be careful what you ask for, cuz you might just get it. :wink:

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Letā€™s be realistic. When dealing with a commercial product if the product has good testing methodolgy ā€œbetaā€ testing is of low value. There is value if you have a large 3rd party development community. They will give valid feedback.

How many Windows and Apple IOS release have been made where problems immediately need to plugged. Apple with all of itā€™s money still releases new IOS releases where on the previously devices the battery has accelerated discharge. You would think their QA would have suite of tests for that. I guess beta testing didnā€™t discover that. But within a day of general release customers were screaming.

Is this change coming to Android TV/Fire TV anytime soon? We would love it too!

Yes, and of course a lot of that is because they work off a roadmap that we never see :wink:

Bugs will ALWAYS happen

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Hopefully you understand the difference between a bug and a design issue.

Are you saying that on the Roku retrieve episode menu the placement of the delete button is a bug versus a design issue?

No, I am not saying that. Everyone wanted delete and bitched and complained until they were given what they wanted. Now it is moving on to something else.

None of us know what the plan is for the design and possibly the delete was pushed up because of all the complaining and they left out the other piece because it still needed work.

Any of us could complain about the design, but unless you have some insider info on what the roadmap is you are wasting your time.

As far as my bug statement, you brought up how Windows and iOS have bugs and they still release so I was responding to you.

Yes I agree. A bug is something that does not work as designed. In this case, the button is working as designed even though the layout is somewhat user-unfriendly. But as @Jestep mentioned, usersā€™ focus at one point was on how to make it easy to delete the episodes and nobody complained about this layout when it was first released; so it does look somewhat like a ā€œchange of requirementā€ case now :smiley:

I donā€™t know about that though, I still think it was Tablo plan to implement, but they were forced to do it sooner rather than later because of the complaints.

On a side note:
Someone said they were going to leave Tablo for support that actually listens, but I have to say I donā€™t know of another company that will listen as much as Tablo does. Just my 2 cents


Someone is ALWAYS threatening to leave. If not that, then their wife is pushing them to leave. Or the threat that there will be a mass stampede out the door UNLESS Tablo management mends their ways. All these ā€œimpliedā€ threats and doomsday scenariosā€¦ REPENT OH TABLO and mend thy ways for the end is nigh!

The Roku forum shows more problems with that device than this one here but the level of apocalyptic hostility is not as high there as it is here for some reason.

Well, maybe because there are more people there the hostility doesnā€™t ā€œshineā€ through as much :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing the internet brought us was the ability to be really nasty to people because you donā€™t have to be face to face. That is one of the downsides, but there are many upsides :wink:

You should have seen the mudslinging at the forums in the early days between Dish and DirecTV fanatics!

When was that? I have been here before they released the 4 tuner

Thank you Craig!

I meant at the respective Dish and DirecTV forums about ten years ago. There used to be ā€œreligiousā€ wars as to which company had the better picture quality. People would actually measure transmitted bit rates on a daily basis.

Oh wow, yea, I was a Dish customer for many years glad I missed that :wink:

Iā€™ve noticed that ā€œthe wifeā€ gets a bad rep on this forum. I am beginning to think that we wives are becoming scapegoats behind which others can hide their own dissatisfaction. The Tablo Community Form definition of wife appears to differ from my personal experience.

We wives are not helpless couch sitters who eat bon bons and complain about the failings of the current TV delivery system while waiting for someone else to do something about it. We can take responsibility for our own happiness. We are capable of researching, purchasing, implementing, and maintaining the TV/DVR solution ourselves, complete with such complexities as Tablo Ripper, Plex Media Server, and MCE Buddy. We are not helpless dependents whose only resource is to complain to our husbands.

I say, let the person doing the complaining take matters into their own hands.


Although I have had a lot of issues with the unit, I have never had issues with support. They have gone above and beyond to help and they do listen.


Isnā€™t it amazing with being able to use a 5 or 10 TB will do? Being limited to 2 TB you run out of disk.

@TabloTV and @TabloSupport Their involvement in the forum is what pushed me to buy a Tablo over the other options at the time. I havenā€™t seen that from any other product.


@DaveG - Aww thanks :slight_smile: Itā€™s a lot of fun to spend part of my day hanging out with you guys (for the most partā€¦)