Any way to kill "looping" upon poor signal reception

Has the antenna always connected to this splitter? Why not connect the antenna cable to the house cable via a simple coax barrel connector ($1.00 from any hardware store) since a splitter siphons off signal strength.

Do you know whether that side of the roof\house is the best place to put the antenna? Or did you have a satellite dish there previously? In a wooded area not all roof locations are optimal for reception (there may even be null spots where signals are minimal). Some locations are optimal for satellite dishes since they have a different area of reception (azimuth and pointing angle) but not for terrestrial antennas.

I put it there because that side of the house is where the coax box is located and it was the easiest way to get the line into the house.

I’ll try to get something to replace the splitter and see if that helps.

But that may not be the place where the signals arrive… If the trees are scattering the signals they may be coming somewhere else on the roof. Antenna installers usually “walk the roof” to see where the signals converge.

Is there something I can use to determine the best location, or is it more trial and error?

Does your TV have a signal meter showing the signal strength?

Well - it’s not near the cable coming in - I’m using the Tablo over wifi. It’s a 55" tv and about 21’ away.

The way I placed my antenna is I had my wife on the phone in front of our TV watching the signal on the meter while I tried different locations. In your current setup, what does the Tablo show for signal strengths for some channels?

I replaced the splitter with the regular connector and so far it’s been great. I’ll give it a day but hopefully that fixed it!

Thanks for everyone’s help!


A splitter cuts the signal strength by half since it splits the original signal into two streams, one half of the original stream going down one leg and the other half down the other leg.

If you ever need a quality preamp for your situation, I would recommend the Kitztech 200 ($80) which has a bigger gain than the Mohu one but only 0.4 noise (most amps have 4 to 5 times that noise).

+1 on the Kitztech 200. Have installed it a few times for friends and it works like a charm.

@wantatablo So glad to hear you’re up and running!

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