Add 2nd Tablo in another town for more channels

Currently I have a 2 tuner Tablo and between me and 2 towers approx 35 miles away, which carry PBS and FOX broadcasts, there are hills which block the signals from those towers. I’d need a 200’+ tower for any hope of line of sight. These are supposedly stations to serve my area but without a giant lightening attracting tower there is no way to capture their signals.

Could I place a 2nd Tablo with USB drive in my daughter’s home to pick up those additional towers/channels and view them over the internet in my current location? I view my current Tablo over WiFi on both an NVIDA Shield and a Fire Stick. If this is possible how would it be configured? THANKS.

Tablo’s products do not appear to be designed or supported to be used in this fashion, because transporting TV signals between locations over the Internet potentially in violation of syndication exclusivity is fraught with legal issues for them, but not for you as the end “fair use” consumer of content.

However, if you want to record programming in one location, and then move the player and disk to another location for playback, that works just fine. You can’t however move just the storage unit from one Tablo to another to move programming between Tablo players.

If you just want to watch network programming, wouldn’t it make sense to just stream it from the network websites? These are optimized for end user delivery, adapting their bit rates to your available bandwidth.

You’ll need a networked tablo (non-HDMI) and a guide subscription. Here are several of tablo’s articles -

These articles contradict this presumption.

Thank you very much to all those who replied. I will review each article in detail. I’m not trying to circumvent a given station’s coverage area as these are ALL considered my LOCAL STATIONS it is just that I’m located down in a valley in a ski resort area and the hills block these 2 towers.

Unfortunately the FOX affiliate does not have any form of streaming service offered. Yesterday for example, I was unable to watch the Daytona race as it was on my LOCAL FOX affiliate just 35 miles away but with a bunch of hills in between.

Viewing content you have legitimate access to “away from home” on a temporary basis is potentially legitimate fair use, while forwarding broadcasted material from somewhere to another location where you reside on a regular basis is clearly not.

Perhaps you’ve heard of Syndication Exclusivity?

Why do you think Tablo requires that your Remote Connect device must be initially configured and periodically validated from your home? As far as Federal law is concerned, where you live (not where you are) defines what you are entitled to access from the public airwaves.

Don’t act so arrogant and assume I don’t know about carrier rights. This station’s chartered coverage is MY VIEWING AREA but their transmitter tower does not allow for coverage of their stated area due to terrain. I AM IN THE LOCAL MARKET covered by this station. This station has FAILED to provide service to their CLAIMED area of coverage.

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I was replying explicitly in reference to your comment:

As for views or interpretations or legalities, I have no comment. Just say’n Tablo’s products appear to have a specific design to support this. Perhaps you can see the quote from your post I referenced.

The point remains, no one builds a product that will meet your requirements for remote viewing, because providing such a product would be legally problematic for any manufacturer.

Dish Network spent years and millions of dollars fighting for the right to help rural folks gain access to national networks, and ended up forced to carry each station for each DMA, paying them for the privilege.

That doesn’t mean you can’t create your own solution, with a combination of network technologies, to try to work around these restrictions, but you’ll likely find that it is difficult to configure and maintain, particularly if limited upstream bandwidth for your streaming device is available.

I have lived your problem in the past for many years, nearly 100 miles away from the transmitters for my market area, and no one willing to sell me local TV carrying satellite services, just the overpriced local cable company.

I think the Tablo articles you cited are clear that they enable remote viewing for you from your home, not remote viewing from anywhere you happen to place a Tablo device for anyone you happen to enable to connect to it.

But, it is how it works. Once an end device is paired via the local LAN of the Tablo, that is, those that support Tablo Connect, then you can view your remote Tablo live/recordings from anywhere.

As long as you pay for it, because, now, each Tablo (talking those devices that support Tablo Connect) has to have its own subscription, you could have devices paired with a Tablo running in a different location.

The way the end device interfaces work is by connecting to the individual Tablo (for example, you could have one named Dallas and one named Philadelphia). As long as the end device has been paired locally on the same LAN as each Tablo unit, you should be able to connect/disconnect depending on which unit you want to access.


Start a nationwide Tablo network?

Not sure I can house everyone on my LAN though.

Have you tried? :slight_smile:

Probably won’t try. More interested in keeping people off my LA(w)N


Should work easy just you will have to pay for 2 guides. I have 2 Tablos and you just switch between them in the apps, simple. Who knows where they are at and none of anyones business as you bought them and are paying the guide. I guarantee you 1000% no one is going to show up at your house with handcuffs for doing this. :rofl:

If you don’t mind manually programming one of them it could be done without a second subscription. Just put the Tablo with a subscription in the remote location.

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That was my thoughts as well. Then tapping on their brown W shows they’ve been around since '18 so they likely have a multi-device subscription. Are multiple devices limited to liftime supscription (pre 3-7-19)
Just have to call in to tech support to get it done.

Tropo or Tropospheric Ducting only happens when warm air on the ground interacts with cool air above in the sky. If these channels ever come in it will be during a temperature inversion likely during the summer months, they absolutely can’t be counted on for reliable reception.

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