4th Generation shortcomings

See your channels

I tried the scan one more time before resetting, and this time I got only the internet “stations”. No locals :-). And I tried one more scan, and still just the internet “stations”. But that’s the first time I saw them at all after about 5 scans.

So I did the factory reset, and now I have both the locals and the internet “stations”. Don’t know why I had to do that, but glad that I did. If I talked to support, they’d have probably suggested a factory reset :-).

So now I have the internet ION, which looks like better resolution than the local OTA one, so will likely be the one that I go with. I have both if there are issues with more or less commercials, or differences in programming or whatever. I haven’t looked to see if the OTA one is fixed after the reset, I should do that :-).

The good part of this is that after all this I might actually keep the thing until the Apple TV streaming box is added as a platform. It does fulfill most of my needs at this point. Whether I can stand using the Roku’s for a while remains to be seen. I’ll have plenty of time to figure that out before Jan. 13. There is one issue that I noticed that I haven’t resolved…the local FOX station I was using is missing, but there’s another FOX station that I haven’t tried yet. Hopefully it’s fine. Still not happy with the tuner sensitivity.

So thanks to you guys for helping me out with this. I didn’t expect the features of the Legacy Tablo to be as spread out as they are in the 4th Gen UI’s. And I didn’t know that I should be getting all those additional internet “stations”…of which only ION looks useful at the moment.

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One more comment, the factory reset also has apparently fixed the tuner sensitivity problem…back to the 65 local OTA TV stations that I had with the Legacy Tablo scan. And the local OTA ION network TV station is working again. I noticed that the ION internet “station” does have different programming than the OTA one, so I’ll be keeping both for the time being. The FOX OTA station seems good as well. So things are looking a lot better.

Just thought I should mention how much the factory reset has fixed, so that others that have similar problems might profit from that.

Mr. Zip, no I don’t have an external amplifier. I’ve found that unless they’re put at the antenna to compensate for a long run of coax, then they tend to make things worse. At least that’s how it has worked for me. I suppose that there are some conditions that they can improve, but amplifying noise as well as signal can be unhelpful. If you put one at your antenna, you’re not amplifying all the noise picked up on a long coax run…and are compensating for signal loss without adding much noise. Unity gain amps are also useful to compensate for splitter loss, but that’s another story :-).

Glad to hear it’s working a lot better now. I hadn’t seen any differences in the ion programming looking at their all-day blocks, but I’ll definitely keep an eye on it any time I do want to record something.

I always default to the local OTA as well. This is mainly due to habit, but once we figure out how to stop FAST from splitting so often, I’ll start trusting them and feel more comfortable using it. (Mmmmmm… just the idea of having an OTA tuner available for regular viewing…)

Keep us posted!

Yeah, since the ION OTA and FAST are right next to each other in my Guide, I can see the differences easily. Like right now the OTA is playing NCIS: LA, and the FAST is playing Criminal Minds. Late last night the OTA ION was playing NCIS, and the FAST one was playing “Movin’ On” (whatever that is).

Anyways, nice to be able to step back and feel like I’m seeing how reliable it is rather than whining about major missing features. There are some, but more subtle ones, like “quick channel change”. Makes the choice more interesting :-).

There probably is a reason they make quad shielded coax cable.

Huh. That’s weird. I show the exact same episode of Criminal Minds on both local and FAST. My two stations are extremely far apart on the guide, considering ion is the third from the top, and then the FAST version is WAY down the list, after dove, etc. Guess you’ll have to test them for accuracy! :wink:

I gotta keep in mind that you’re using Roku since that quick channel thing is in the other versions. It’s hard to get a real feel for a device when apps vary so much from one another. I hope they are able to bring features together to create a more unified experience between apps. I worry how different the TVOS version will be when it finally comes out!

It is weird…both ION’s are showing Criminal Minds now, but the previous hour differs. I’ve noticed this before, the OTA versions of channels can be different than the same named channels as a FAST version. Unless they’re billed as a “live local” version, like the live local CBS channel you get on Paramount+ (which isn’t FAST).

You can try turning amplifier off on tablo

Those problems have all been solved for me by the factory reset. Tuner sensitivity is back up, rendering/resolution is fine. Don’t know if the Tablo amplifier is on or off at the moment, but no problems with getting the OTA stations with good resolution. Odd that Tablo would send out a product that needs to be factory reset before using, but I have a feeling that my experience isn’t typical. At least I hope not, they’ll be getting a lot of support calls and returns if it is.

In fact, the instructions for how to do the factory reset essentially says “don’t do this”:

A factory reset should not be attempted as a troubleshooting step and should only be done as a last resort by someone who knows what they’re doing.

I did it none the less :-).

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Legacy has a better tuner. Same antenna Legacy gets 2 more channels.

It be fixed. Channel 20 if it .anes difference

I have been debating adding the 4th Gen 4-tuner to start new recordings on (& keeping legacy until I’m done watching the shows I’ve recorded with it) but your post has given me pause. Specifically #3:

“Doesn’t have the ease-of-scheduling collections of Prime Time TV shows and All TV shows that makes it much easier to schedule recordings rather than chasing all over the guide trying to find shows that I’ve been recording on the Legacy Tablo.”

Does this mean that on the 4th gen, I can’t go to the Prime Time section (or TV Shows, Movies, Scheduled, etc) to see what shows are on my selected channels to schedule my recordings from there?

For example, If I want to see if there is anything worth recording in the next two weeks, I go to the Prime Time section, pick a channel, & I get a list of thumbnails of prime time shows on that channel. I pick the show(s) I want and schedule the recording. I do that for the channels I watch regularly every two weeks. It takes me about 5 minutes each time & is much simpler & faster than scrolling through the guide. Is that feature not available on the 4th gen or did I misunderstand your post?

I haven’t seen a Prime Time section, but now I need one!

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Oh, it’s so handy! It makes sorting through the shows to find some to record so much faster & easier. If I were to scroll thru the guide to do that, it would take 30 minutes, at least.

I’m bummed to hear it’s not on the 4th gen. I guess I’ll continue using my legacy model until it dies :frowning:

Simce gen 4 4-tuners are in short supply I guess this will leave an additional unit available for those who can search for programing to record by using the Shows/Channels filter.

Glad I could help, although I wasn’t being a smart or rude. I was discussing how important of a feature it is to me, which is what Tablo asks us to do in this forum.

Sometimes when there is a new product not ever feature a user wants is available. But there does seem like there is a usable replacement that is also available in legacy apps.

You might notice from gen 4 posted screen shots of the mobile android app that the Shows, Movies, and Sports menus don’t seem to exist. So I’m sure that there are any number of useful changes and bugs to work on.

So found a way to help the 4th Gen run cooler, and actually put those vent holes on the bottom to some use. Put it upside down, vent holes on the top, just warm to the touch now.

The only problem is that I had to find a way to turn my TV upside down, that was harder to do :-).


had the new 4gen for about 2 months it is nothing like the old black tablo the new one sucks has a lot of problems free guide my ass this is a mickey mouse item …They really screw up on this gen4 i have told everyone not to buy maybe the next model will be better …and they so-called tech-support ,sitting here watching it now it is buffing waiting for my show to return…