$300 TiVo Roamio OTA DVR with lifetime subscription

Must be only in select areas, I don’t see $299 anything following that link.

Must be only in select areas, I don't see $299 anything following that link.

Originally Posted by wesmills View Post
It just worked for me. Perhaps try in a "private browsing" window?
It didn't work for me at first. TIVO kept trying to get me to go to 

Of course that's the normal page, with the poor deal. You need to go to 

The problem is Tivo wants to keep re-directing you to the other link without the good deal!!! 
Control C the correct link. Go into the Browser and Control V to enter the correct link again and hit Enter. It'll more then likely bring you to the wrong link again a few times. Don't just click on the reload page as you'll keep loading up the wrong page. Just keep Control V the correct Link and hit enter and after a number of times, the correct link will STAY and the deal will be shown!!!

I ordered one up myself, on May 3rd a little after midnight. After I ordered, I tried again about about 1AM. Doing it my way, and I'm using Chrome on Windows, I was able to bring up the right page once again. Keep Control V 
https://www.tivo.com/TLP4 into your browser hitting return until that link actually stays!!! Tivo seems to be trying to sucker people into the other deal.

Thanks, worked after going trying on a computer instead of mobile.

I think I’ll hold off as I still have a few months left on directv and just bought this tablo. With new devices and services for cordcutters being announced all the time these days I’d go broke if I tried to keep up. If TiVo partnered with Sling TV and added HD basic cable to OnePass, that would be pretty much ideal. Will have to see what Apple has up its sleeve too.

The only thing missing for me on the Tablo is the download ability Tivo has. You can download a recorded show and Tivo will automatically cut the commercials and save it as a mp4. 


TiVo advantages over Tablo:

- Better overall DVR experience (EPG, DVR capabilities, faster UI vs. Tablo clients)
- Recordings in original MPEG2 1080i or 720p (better PQ)
- DD5.1 support
- Ability to easily download recordings to PC

Tablo advantages over TiVo:
- Already transcoded to MPEG4 (but PQ takes a small hit), but smaller filesize, easier to stream
- Fire TV app
- Many client choices (Roku, PC, Android, iOS) vs. forking $150 for each TiVo Mini

I’ve just moved to this NAS-based solution now, which gives me (I think) the best of both above. I did buy a TiVo via the $299 deal, but not sure I’ll keep it. Either way, I’m selling my Tablo… hoping I can move my sub to a new (eBay) owner. I’ve PM’d Tablo Support, but not received a clear reply yet on how (giving buyer their own credentials, not mine).

The thing that is almost getting me to switch is surround sound support…I wish Tablo realized this is an important feature. If I wanted to put a TiVo setup in a room with good antenna reception with no TV, would I just buy a separate TiVo mini for each room with a TV?

Honestly, I probably wouldn’t switch. Tablo is working well for me and I really like my current set up on a Roku 3 in every room.

The thing that is almost getting me to switch is surround sound support...I wish Tablo realized this is an important feature. If I wanted to put a TiVo setup in a room with good antenna reception with no TV, would I just buy a separate TiVo mini for each room with a TV?

Yes, you can run a TiVo headless like a Tablo, as long as the TiVo has network access you'll be fine. You may from time-to-time have to move it to a TV, but I know a couple of people that haven't had their Premiere/Roamio hooked up to a TV for some time. Connect to TV for setup, then put it wherever you have good signal and internet access.

EDIT: Should add, that by network/internet access I'm talking about a wired connection. You will not get good streaming results to a Mini otherwise.


You have a Roku in every room, but do you also have an AVR in every room to actually take advantage of the 5.1 audio? Your HDTV itself only has 2 speakers.


You have a Roku in every room, but do you also have an AVR in every room to actually take advantage of the 5.1 audio? Your HDTV itself only has 2 speakers.

Yes, of course. I wouldn’t complain about no surround sound if I was using TV speakers :slight_smile:

If they had this deal 6 months ago when I bought my tablo 4 tuner and all the accessories (hd, 3 roku3's, lifetime subscription, antenna) not only would it have been cheaper but a much better product with better support and reliability. I really wish I had waited but unfortunately I made a hefty investment in tablo.

I could sell the tablows setup but I would lose a some money, I want to jump but it will cost me $600 (plus $60 tax) for the roamio OTA and 2 mini boxes. Is my tablo lifetime subscription transferable if I sell my box? I could probably ebay My tablo 4 tuner, 1GB hd, 3 roku 3's on ebay and get maybe $450 or so....... DECISIONS!

You can add additional receivers for $150 each.

For people that want to cut the cord and just want to watch shows on TV sets, this new Tivo deal is a pretty good option.  But I still like to watch tv on portable device and away from home, and the Roamio OTA DVR is limited on that.

Yeah, it’s all about what fits for the individual.  I just can’t get into the portable TV watching.  Old guy syndrom I guess!  ;)

This is really interesting.  The thing that burns me is the Lifetime subscription costs being tied to equipment.  I'm just not sure how long I can count on 1 piece of equipment.

I felt the same way.  However, my Tivos have been going strong for 3 to 5 years.  If you do a search, you’ll find that these things are pretty reliable.  But you could get a lemon, I suppose.  There are 3rd party sites that do Tivo repair and recover your lifetime sub, but it is on a per box basis.

Can you download for offline viewing on TiVo?  I've accepted the fact that Tablo will never add this feature.  

Tivo desktop will do that, however, picture quality suffers greatly.  A (free) 3rd party program kmttg, will d/l direct from Tivo with no quality loss.

Looks like this deal is gone.

Tablo wins.

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I just confirmed it is still there you just need to go to the link a few times as it is randomly offered and not a constant.

Or try connecting to it with a browser with an ad blocker installed - Chrome with AdBlock Plus seems to connect to the site every time.

I saw the slickdeals on this was already marked as expired and was angry at myself for not buying considering how hot this is, but you’re right when I kept trying I eventually got it, just bought one.

I just bought one too along with two mini boxes. I am done with playing the tablo waiting game, they just don’t have the manpower / funds to pull this off. 6 months ago I really was hoping this was going to work but now I feel like it is time to eject before the plane crashes and the resale value is $0.

I don’t worry about either one of those, @Sleeper. They have other sources of funding besides the Tablo, and they have job openings still.