2.2 Firmware Release

I’ve been using it for a few weeks and it hasn’t skipped downloading anything it was scheduled for so far. Maybe I’ve just been lucky. Whatever the case, I’m looking forward to getting the update, when it’s ready. :slight_smile:


@darryldale you’ve been waiting for a firmware release for… 2 months now? I’ve been waiting for DD5.1 for 18 months now with the “coming soon” line all the time. BFD.

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Not sure the new firmware is going to fix your issue - as the current firmware should reliably record for you (and had for me without fail). Do you know what is causing the failure to record scheduled shows?

Yes, your issue is not firmware related. I have reliably recorded whole seasons of Modern Family, Gothom, Elementary this past year.

Maybe open a support ticket with Tablo and they can solve your problem without a firmware update.

Ordered the aniversery edition last night

Hope you enjoy it ! One of my first books on managing software projects which I read in the late 70’s based on the suggestion of my mentor and friend. It served me well in many software and sytem development projects since then. Easy to read and comprehend and non-intuitive. Who would have expected that adding programmers and engineers to a project would further prolong and delay the delivery. As my mentor use to say…“just like software engineers, 9 women cannot deliver a baby in 1 month” !!


So true

And how many of us beta testers are or have been programmers or engineers? We know our job is to try to break it :slight_smile:

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Call me an optimist, but I am still hoping for an August release of the new firmware. If not, September is OK with me . . .

I’m glad to see that the folks at Tablo are testing the software before releasing it and causing troubles for everyone with broken software. I am anxious to receive it too so hopefully it will be soon. I am finding that when I delete recordings on the current version that the space isn’t freed up. I haven’t run out of space yet so I’m thinking maybe this space that the deleted programs occupied will be the space that is used when it runs out of space… Hopefully this is fixed in version 2.2…

Tablo is MUCH better than Microsoft was with Windows 10. While I don’t have any of the remaining problems, some people do, depending on the disk they have. It would be FANTASTIC to release it and have it work on all the disk, and is what I think they are trying to do.

I’m using a Western Digital My Passport Ultra 2 TB Portable Hard Drive which I purchased along with my Tablo because I wanted an optimal experience using the Tablo. I scanned these forums quite a bit before I made the purchase and it was supposed to be good for use with the Tablo. :frowning: I am just hoping that when it actually runs out of space that I’m not going to have to format the drive in order to make any further recordings. Keeping my fingers crossed!

This is NOT normal behaviour. A firmware update isn’t going to fix your issue. When I delete a recording, the space is freed up. It takes a few minutes, but it does it.

Open up a Support Ticket so Tablo can look at your logs.

Which device are you trying to delete from? Try an iPad or Chrome browser on a computer.

Disregard, I guess I didn’t try deleting enough to notice a difference before. I tried deleting some more recordings on the chrome browser then went to check the available space on the hard drive and I saw more space become available as it was deleting the recordings. Thanks! I am very happy with my Tablo! That was really my only complaint and it seems like it’s just something I didn’t investigate enough.


Actually, it’s quite possible that it is a firmware issue. I’ve also missed several recordings over the last month, opened a support ticket last week, and was told that there is a known bug in the firmware causing this, and that it will be resolved in the next release. There is also a forum thread from July 30 titled “Scheduled Programs not Recording” with similar claims.

Time is running out!

OK, so my optimistic view of an August release is looking overly optimistic! I still have about 14 hours to go . . .

I got the update. So far, so good. I have disabled Remote Access, then re-Enabled it. Now, when I get back to work, I’ll see if I still have pairing. Other than that, things don’t seem anything different, but then, I haven’t tried a bigger drive yet, and mostly use my laptop for access. More tonight !

Remote Access worked ! We had a power outage at home over the weekend, and when I got to work this morning, my Tablet would not connect to my Tablo. At lunch ( at home ), I did the update, then turned off Remote Access and turned it back on. When I got back to work, my Tablet connected to my Tablo successfully. I have to point out that this even worked before the most recent firmware update.

Hey guys - can we keep the reaction convo in the actual thread here: NEW Firmware Release (2.2.2) - It's here!

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