Yet Another Server Outage?

“There was a problem communicating with the Tablo servers. Please try again.” Have rebooted the device and the TV. The phone has the same problem but a different message: “Unknown error”.

I can access my recordings, but nothing else.


Unbelievable. I am through with this thing. The hunt for something more reliable is on.

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Can’t launch the app on any of my devices. Stuck on loading screen.

Hm. Good thing I still have YTTV.

Error I’m getting is “An unknown error occurred” with no additional details.

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Tablo needs to get this fixed!


Any response on whether servers are down? I really wish i did not have so many problems with this service.


Nothing working here, just as the game is starting…makes me question why I got this thing


Up and running on my end now! Thanks Tablo!

Mine is back also, now.

This is embarrassing. Go to watch NFL on Fox and can’t get in. Legacy Tablo has no problem since I guess it doesn’t have to connect first to the server.

I can’t get it to even open. Tried on multiple devices

I’m in it right now. Even closed it and re-opened it without issue. Maybe try a reboot of your network or the Tablo itself?

Unfortunately, on Saturday, January 18th 2025, we experienced a brief server outage. While it was quickly resolved, we certainly understand any frustration caused. We have been putting significant effort in an update that will allow our 4th Generation models to play OTA TV when such an outage occurs. While we can’t give an ETA yet, rest assured it’s a top priority on our end.

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Thanks for the update. I noticed it being down for maybe half an hour. For me it wasn’t a big deal since there wasn’t anything critical on that I wanted to watch or record. I just switched to one of my streaming services.

How long did others experience the outage?

Down for at least an hour for us. I have up checking and switched to OTA and sling.