Won't play recording

I tried to watch a recording on my TV that has a new onn device on it. It was very “glitchy” for lack of a better word. It kept pausing. I was trying to figure out if it was the onn or Tablo, which I’ve had less than a week, so I tried to watch on another TV that has an older Roku on it. It won’t play at all. I still have a Tivo on that same TV. The Tivo worked fine. Before I return my Tablo and onn, do you have any suggestions regarding what might be going on? I was very excited that this might allow me to watch my recordings from anywhere in the house. Thanks.

I’ve been trying things and wanted to leave an update in hopes that someone will have additional help. I changed the audio setting on my Roku from stereo to auto. The recordings will at least try to play now, but they are a static mess. Whenever I try to leave the recording, it eventually reboots the Roku.

This sounds like a problem with your network. Regardless of whatever speeds you’re paying for, you might have an issue with your internal network speeds.

Have you tried rebooting the onn or the Tablo themselves? (Press the button on the bottom one time, quickly.)


I reset them both yesterday. I have Xfinity 1.2 GB. I don’t know if you saw my update. The onn played it but with a lot of pauses. The Roku replay was unwatchable. I’ve had to reset the Tablo a couple of times since I got it

The pausing is what pointed me to the fact that this is likely an internal network issue. You did not say if you were using your Tablo on ethernet or wifi. If you’re using it wirelessly, another thing to try is a reboot of your router.

I asked about the onn and Tablo reboot because IDK if a reset defaults to a different firmware version and then later updates (I’ve had connectivity issues after FW updates and now do a manual reboot after). Sometimes a reboot can fix connectivity issues.

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I agree, this sounds like an internal network problem. If you are fully connected via WiFi, the first thing I would try is to connect your Tablo to your home router via Ethernet cable (if the two are close enough that you can).

Switching From Wi-Fi to Ethernet or Ethernet to WiFi

first of all do the roku and onn stream other apps OK? If they do its probably not your router. Can you watch the channel in question without it breaking up? If it breaks up then we could have a lot of other things that could be a problem. To start with your antennae and where its located, i have one channel that is useless even though it is less than two miles away, theres a 25 foot pine tree between me and the tower.Its a vhf channel and the only one the rest are all uhf, i tried to record off it before i knew what was going on. It does breaks up all the time and if it is windy it makes totally unwatchable, I am in luck though because that channel is allso brodcast on uhf. Before you do anything else look on you tube for antennae man and his explanations on proper ant. and where to locate it and also on the 5G filters.

Every app is working fine with both streaming devices. I can play around with the antenna. I did have it professionally installed. There are days that some channels break up a little, but did you note the part where I said I also recorded the shows perfectly on a Tivo? No issues, great quality.

I do have everything connected wirelessly. There is only one Ethernet jack on my mesh, and something else is using that. When I say everything, that includes the Tivo that I also used to record and watch the same shows.

Then it could be terrain interference from trees that are in line of sight with your towers, So the tablo is the only thing useing the antennae to recieve TV programs?

Comparing Tablo to other streaming service is apples and oranges. The Tablo uses your INTERNAL network to transfer media while your other apps use EXTERNAL internet speeds to download media. Since the issue at hand is a recording, OTA and antenna strength do not enter the picture.

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firsst of all just wanted to check and make sure they were working properly. Yes OTA signals and recording do enter the picture because the signal keeps droping in and out and if it drops out there is nothing to record or its all broken up.

I have an antenna in my attic, about 28 feet up. It is amplified. I have coax going from the antenna to a TV in the bedroom where it goes into my Tivo. I have a Roku for streaming on that TV. The other coax goes downstairs to my living room TV where it goes into my Tablo. That TV has a new onn for streaming. The shows that had issue were Georgie and Mandy, and Matlock. I believe those are CBS. Tivo recorded both shows perfectly. Tablo was unwatchable upstairs with Roku and very spotty but clear with the onn. I hope that clarifies some. What should I try. If I do all these reboots and antenna moving, etc., will these recordings be ok, or do I need to record something else before testing? Thanks. I really want this to work. It would be nice to watch live TV on other sets without running new coax.

Not all wireless cards are built the same. Not all RF tuners either.

Tablo streams uncompressed video files from client to client internally. That does put a load on your wireless utilization.

If you can confirm you have decent wireless signal. Load up Acrylic Home Wireless Analyzer on your laptop and check. Anything above -73 is the start of low signal. A cheap wireless router can cause issues, most of the time it doesn’t have enough horsepower to keep up.

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I think I figured it out. Tell me if this makes sense. There are 2 CBS affiliates in my area. I recorded a show today on each network. One was great, one was like I described before. I believe my Tivo is recording the better one. I have changed the setting in Tablo to choose the better one instead of the either option it was on before. I’ll know more later, but that seems very plausible to me. Your story helped me figure it out. Thanks.

I have 2 of most everything for OTA. 45 miles to a major city’s towers to my north and 50 miles to a major city’s towers to my south. To make sure I get a good recording for most shows I allow it to record duplicates. This has worked out great. Depending on outdoor conditions sometimes the south channels are having issues and sometimes it’s the north ones. And sometimes they are both working fine. Rarely do they both fail.