Will Resetting Tablo 4 Lose Wifi Network Connection?

Just got my Tablo 2 days ago. Spent 2 hours with tech support on phone trying to connect to my wifi home network. They gave up and said they would send a ticket to the back office and someone would email me. I finally figured it out myself after a whole day of trying. I wanted to see if moving my antennae would give me more channels. When I Rescan, I get the message …

Failed to Load. A network error occurred. Please ensure that your device hs a working internet connection.

I have checked my Network, and all my other 30 plus smart home devices are working. If I hit the reset button, will I lose the connecton to my home eero network? I don’t want to go through the hours and hours of trying to get it connected again.

Any advice is appreciated.

If you are just doing a reboot/reset, all Tablo settings remain. Only a factory reset removes everything.

Thanks for the quick reply. Any idea if that might help with my Rescan error?

It can’t hurt. And you can also try a different zip code as a troubleshooting step.