Why does AirTv work but Not Tablo remote connect?

I am using a Netgear LB1120 which uses a dynamic ip with a Linksys Router EA 6350. I was able to remotely access my AirTv OTA dvr with this configuration but with the Tablo dvr I am unable to remotely access my dvr. It is being blamed on a double NAT configuration and dynamic ip. Why does one work and not the other? Thanks

The pairing process may have failed, or if the ports aren’t configured for the Tablo correctly, this could also cause a failure. Have you touched base with our support team, or with your ISP? We have a walkthrough available here.

I currently have ticket #50844. My internet is provided from a Netgear LB1120 modem which is connected to a Linksys Router EA6350. I have contacted support a few times but we have not found a resolution. I was previously using the AirTv created by Slingtv for live local tv and was able to access it remotely with the same configuration. I will keep in contact and hopefully find a resolution. Thanks

Do a search within the community here, or on Google (or your preferred search engine) for port forwarding + Tablo + router. I had a heck of a time figuring out the port forwarding on my Arris router. For mine, I had to go into the NAT Gaming settings in the router and set up two rules for ports. Eventually, I got it working (I made a detailed post here in the community for my specific router just in case anyone else needed the assist).

When looking for the solution to get mine working, I know I came across a bunch of walk through for linsys routers and tablo.

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