Why can’t I get into the Apple TV Beta?

This is the third time this year I have applied to be a part of the Apple TV beta. I think I’m an excellent candidate owning 3 Apple TV’s, being technologically competent, and tired of using a Firestick for this one application. Please look into this @TabloTV !

Did you fill out the Survey form? Is it possible you used a different email address for the forum than the one you used when you setup and registered your Tablo 4th generation?

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That’s a good thought, but I’m positive I used the same email address. It’s the only email address I have used for the last 20 years for this kind of thing. I double checked the MAC address. I’m at a loss….

We’ll do some digging Dustin and get back to you.

Thank you!

I just got the beta added to TestFlight. I will check it out on my Apple TV when I get home. Thank you for the quick resolution!

Good to hear Dustin!