Why 2 Invoices?

This morning I received 2 email invoices for $4.99 for Tablo. Each has the same invoice number and invoice id. Was I double charged? I only own 1 Tablo device. I don’t even recall where my Tablo charges should appear. Probably a credit card (would be nice if they told me the last 4 digits or some such, help me figure out where to track it down).

until tablo support opens - self help: https://account.tablotv.com/login/

click on image select image and Card on file shows ****** then last 4 digits you’re looking for. :slight_smile:


This looks like a duplicated email; no duplicate charges were issued. Don’t’ hesitate to log into your account at https://account.tablotv.com/ give us a call at 1-844-TABLOTV (822-5688) if you’d like to go over the details.