When my trial subscription ends?

The Tablo app on my Fire TV stick says “your trial expires in 46 years”.

In contrast, in my.tablotv.com, it says “your trial expires in 11 days”.

I wonder which is correct?

Lol I would think the actual website. You can go to account.tablotv.com and see what the real deal is after adding your Tablo to your account.

@oppedahl - Our guru’s guess is that your FireTV Stick’s date could be wrong and set to the reset date which defaults to 1970… That happens to be 46 years ago.

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@oppedahl More details on how to check/change your Fire TV date and time information here.

Sorry that link makes no sense. That link talks about checking and changing the date and time on a Fire Tablet. What we are talking about here is a wrong date and time in the Tablo app on a Fire TV Stick.

@oppedahl Sorry for the confusion! Here’s a video walkthrough I found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqvgh2mHy9s.

Essentially: Settings > System > Time Zone.