Weird audio chirping noise with new Quad

I’m looking for a solution to this problem. The chirping is most prominent when there is lettering on the screen, such as a running news tally at the bottom of the screen.

We haven’t seen or heard much of this issue recently. The only times we have been able to recreate this (which have been rare) have been channels that are right on the ‘edge’ of having acceptable reception. We usually see this when the reception dips drastically. Our recommended fix here is to improve reception, which, so far, has always solved the issue.

I have had this issue repeatedly. Live TV only; recordings don’t have it. Also it’s only on the first program stream on a channel that has 5 program streams; the other live TV program streams don’t have it. It is present using a Roku Streaming Stick+ (wifi) and a computer with the Web App. The Tablo is hardwired to Ethernet.

I got rid of it by reducing the streaming bit rate on playback of live TV.

  • Bug in network driver?
  • Load average on the processor in the Tablo?
  • Router performance? (But then why wouldn’t it show up on recordings?)

I don’t think it has anything to do with Roku or signal strength. I have chirping on web app, iPhone app, iPad app and my Roku TV. Also if I select a different channel and come back to my original channel the chirping will stop. I have full reception bars. It’s disappointing when I count on Tablo to record something 8/10 times my recordings will chirp if I’m not around to check for chirping ahead time. I’ve tried 3 different Tablo boxes. I’ve had tech support log into those boxes. I’ve sent videos of said chirping to tech support. I love my Tablo, when it works correctly.

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