WebApp requires wi-fi?

I just acquired aTablo-2 without any Wi-Fi dongle. The Tablo is connected via Ethernet cable to my network.
I can detect and configure the Tablo no problem with my android phone but none of my PCs can.
Obviously the phone is communicating with the Tablo via the Ethernet cable, why can’t the web-based client on my PCs do the same?
Is this by design?

When you say ‘Wi-Fi’, do you have a live working internet connection?

I found it. It was the VPN on my PCs…I should have known…

In theory, after you connect your PCs once to the Tablo locally with the VPN off for the first time, and if you have Tablo Connect (aka remote viewing) properly configured on your router, the my.tablotv.com website should find and connect to your Tablo with the VPN back on.