WARNING if you want Johnny Cash

There is “The Johnny Cash Show”, “Johnny Cash and Friends”, and “Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison” which are three different shows for scheduling.

@TabloTV Wish there was a was to schedule just by having Johnny Cash in the title.

If I recall correctly, Folsom Prison had a 50yr anniversary re-reissue last year. In general it’s not my music, but I can’t deny a legion like Jonny Cash!!

FYI, APL Tablo Client is implementing an Auto Record (not yet released). Supposedly will have search criteria and… automatically add it to your recording schedule.

It’s on PBS, so I read it is “pledge drive”.

I’ll need to check my AppleTV Tablo app. Been mostly using Roku.

Correct, the feature works, I just don’t have a GUI attached yet, If you add a record to the AutoRecord table with a type of text and a value of Jonny Cash, and a value 2 of all, it’ll find any airings that have that text in the title/description and record it, quite handy :full_moon_with_face:, even more so when it has a GUI :grinning:

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