Wait for ATV Tablo app or goto TiVo Roamio w/Lifetime subscription

No clue. Just livin the dream here working out some other issues.

I went the Tivo OTA route and now have the normal TV experience back. The family would not go back to Tablo. It was worth a try but the overall experience with the new Tivo is just so much better.

I wish Tablo well. At least they didn’t lose any revenue from my decision as I purchased the lifetime subscription just before the Tivo OTA was released!!


The lifetime subscription might serve you well as a future back up, if/when TIVO’s new owner liquidates the company and sells off the patents.


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I haven’t even attempted to get the family off of Tivo yet. There is no way the Tablo will be accepted until (possibly) the ATV4 app comes out. The Tablo has been sitting unnoticed (and unused) since Jan while waiting for the app. Trying to convince them to use an off-TV device to find and set up recordings and look through the guide and then to stream to the ATV isn’t something I want to try to convince them is a better way than Tivo (it’s not). The Tivo is feature-rich and the family loves it. I just hope the Tablo ATV app has enough features to convince them to drop Tivo (Tablo iOS and web are currently lacking feature-wise).

so with everything you spelled out here, why are you contemplating leaving TiVo?

Ok as I said…went with the Tivo OTA lifetime and that definitely has the family pleased. Has the same speed, maturity and feel as a cable STB DVR. I installed the Tivo Stream Box and it works pretty well, installation had some issues but called support and they talked me through it. The Tivo app doesn’t sync, everything is remote so pretty quick once I open the app. Does the basic streaming capability, my shows, scheduling, stream live and recorded in and out of home. Couple of things my Tablo does very well compared to Tivo app. Out of Home streaming works on iphone LTE so my unlimited TMobile works great with Tablo. Tivo doesn’t support LTE on iOS. Also live stream is basically a recording then stream so it accesses the hard disk not sure I like that. When your finished watching the live stream the app asks to delete the recording. Not sure Tivo can completely replace my Tablo live experience…time will tell. Maybe Tablo with the ATV app will bring it closer to the STB experience. My recommendation for Tablo at this point would be to add local HDMI and RF remote capability for your main Tablo box then use the current clients for remote TVs. Not sure about others but my family has a primary family TV room. Another Tablo capability that I like is I can access my Tablo from my mac and pc…I can’t do that with Tivo. Anyway some current thoughts that I thought people and Tablo would want to know.

If this question is for me:
Quick answer is that I want a one input solution and no more monthly fees.
The ATV4 provides video apps and games. The Tivo provides OTA DVR (but currently has a monthly cost that I am getting very tired of paying). By using the Tablo with my ATV4s in the living room and bedroom, I can get rid of the Tivo and Mini and eliminate the monthly fee and go with 1 device at each TV (the ATV4). My main worry is that the ATV4 Tablo app won’t be feature-rich enough to oust the Tivo, though hopefully over time, the app will gain the desired features.

Gotcha, that is what caused me to switch off TiVo way back as well, they have since included Lifetime with both the TiVo mini and now the OTA so I am interested but their marriage to Rovi sours that for me all over again…

Yes, my Mini has the Lifetime (not sure why it ever required a monthly fee…except greed). I have not been pleased with customer service on a few occasions, so that is another reason for me to drop Tivo. But the Tivo device itself has been great. Works well great and rarely any issues with it. I just really, really am tired of paying them $15/mo. :wink:

The new $400 Roamio w/ Lifetime equates to ~26 months @ $15/mo. I spent $250 + $75 for Tablo (Tablo + HD) not counting the cost of the ATV4 since I wanted that regardless of the Tablo. Add another $150 for lifetime if I decide to stay with Tablo and that is $475 (~31 months @ $15/mo).

All said, it’s going to be a tough decision. It will depend on how good the Tablo ATV4 app is.

to be honest a lot depends on your specific needs.

For a single “point of consumption” (1 TV to watch, do not already own a device, and do not need to do stuff remotely), the Tivo is better (at least until you need to replace that device). If you want to expand to a couple of secondary locations and have nothing there, it is even.

If you have devices already, Tablo wins. If you want remote viewing, Tablo wins. (Both of these have a lot to do with what Tivo refuses to support in their apps).

If you want to replace/ upgrade things later Tablo wins.(account based sub vs. device based sub)

Admittedly, the Tivo is more polished and user friendly… Then again Tivo is bigger and has had more time to make things work how they wanted…
Compare Tivo (in 1998+6=2004) to Tablo (2010+6=2016) in the same age you would see a lot of parity, with Tablo taking a big lead due to hindsight and newer tech. (Tivo Series 2!)