Updates on Cloud DVR & Automatic Commercial Skip, Changes to TV Guide Subscription Accounts

You’re psychic, CJ. What you just said (and I know, months ago - sorry to resurrect an old conversation) is EXACTLY what happened with me:

Early this year, we ordered a previous-gen 4 tuner and a Duo Lite to use in different parts of our home. The 4-tuner basically failed to render video for whatever reason, so we decided to return the order and wait on the new Quad. That wait would be too long, as it sold out right away. So in early-July, we just decided to do two Duo Lites - thinking we’d be on the same “one lifetime subscription / 2-devices / same household” model as when we did the previous order.

When we hit the 30-day mark, I activated the lifetime subscription on one Duo - the website took my payment info and asked for authorization, like any good transaction does… When I went to activate the second Duo, it didn’t clearly show an option to add another device to the same subscription, it just had a button to confirm a subscription - which I admit seemed odd. But I figured, ok, it’s going to show a transaction amount & billing info if I were to incur another charge. It never did that. All that happened was I clicked to activate the lifetime subscription, and it activated… no second $ transaction info even shown afterward… The NEXT DAY, I saw on my end that it had charged a second time.

Then of course I dug further, and found out about all that had changed since March 2019. But still, the first info that came up when I searched it, is the info on these forums about the previous subscription structure.

Honestly, I figured that I should have done more due diligence beforehand, and I should have taken it as a red flag when I noticed no specified “add device” option shown. I did let Tablo know that the transaction process in adding another device to a subscription should be far more transparent - I don’t believe it’s intentional at all, just not optimally clear - and maybe they’ve improved it since July. (I’m not going to test it, lol…)