Unfair paying for 14 day guide

how many people here in this community feel it is unfair to keep paying for 14 day guide if they are offering it free for there new tablo gen 4 customers, we need to bombard them with emails letting them know this is unfair most of us had are tablo’s for a good while and i believe we have payed more than are fair share for there guide

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Are you sure you want the new gen 4 guide - even if it’s free.

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why is there something wrong with the free guide?

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An espisodes detail record has no detail. There is a short one sentance description. It may have a first aired date for a show - not for a movie. a start end time but no actual date. but for those who want to calculate it will tell you it starts in 4 days 4 hours. You also get to guess the plot and main actors.

For movie such as those on fast channels. if the move is 1 hour 30 minutes long it says it is one hour long. 2 1/2 hours it says 2 hours.

of course this detail record then becomes the recorded detail record. which doesn’t include the actual length of the actual recording. And if you watch some of the recording and then pause the recordd detail record doesn’t contain how much is left to be watched.

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I suspect that the paid guide is a different service than the free one. More than likely Encourage everyone to go to the free guide
When they offer the software update to allow the legacy Tablos to utilize the same software as the Gen 4 Tablos. I know that my Legacy Tablo hasn’t updated any of my problem channels since the Gen 4 dropped.

Go to Zap2it report any missing channels or mistakes to them, they will fix quickly.

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I think most people who have had a Tablo for a good while (I’ve had mine since 2016) probably have the lifetime guide service and therefore likely haven’t been paying for the guide service for a while.


I also don’t look at it as just the guide. I’m getting the Tablo connect feature as well.

It isn’t unfair at all. Though I paid for my lifetime guide in April 2015, so it has been a long long time since I paid for guide data.


The subscription service also includes advanced recording features. Sorry I don’t have references to them just now, if they’re still accessible. The new devices may have these capabilities on their own, don’t know. Some of these come from the indexing the guide provider includes, series, seasons, all sorts for reference data. Weather or not use care or use it… it’s available and included.

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It went from Lifetime subscription, down to $50 a year, and now only option is $4.99US a month.
I have the $4.99 a month.

I get the sentiment. My annual subscription renewed about a month before the Gen 4 came out and I felt a little cheated. But not too bad – I did choose to renew versus other options.

Legacy hardware should get the opportunity soon enough to test the new free guide model, but I do worry “you get what you pay for” will hold true.

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I bought Tablo bout 8 years ago, shortly after it came out, and initially went with an annual subscription for $50. I wanted to make sure it was going to work for me before committing fully, and once I saw that it was going to work for me, I went with the lifetime subscription for $150 the following year. My thought was that if I kept the Tablo for 3 more years, the lifetime subscription would be essentially free after that. I can’t say that I feel cheated, as I feel that I’ve more than gotten my money’s worth out of it after 8+ years. Additionally, the paid subscription gives me an important feature that those with the free guide don’t have… I can stream my content out of home. That may not be important for some, but it certainly is for others.

I would have been more than happy to pay the $150 for lifetime subscription, but I didn’t have that option.
Only option I have is $4.99 a month.
For the 8 years you have had yours, it will cost me $479.04.
Would you feel cheated then when others get it free ?

I depends how your situation and how you look at it. This is mine not everybody has the same situation, six years ago I was paying around $140 a month just to watch TV and decide to look for different alternatives and found Tablo at that time kinda an investment for the initial cost Tablo more than 200 a hard drive forgot but there little pricier before and an antenna and paid someone to put it if you don’t know how to do it or just simple you don’t like heights and no guarantee it’s going to work, it paid itself in four months and never going back it saves me more than 10K for the last 6 years and still saving by not paying. I’m old enough to remember cable TV came out and the magic box arrived to descramble the premium channels you can’t just buy the box you attach to your cable box you have to know someone the know how there just home made that lasted for awhile, then satellite came in the 90’s afterward FTA boxes arrived you can buy those online but you have to reprogram and get the file usually on a paid hacker site I remember paying lifetime sub because dish at that time will change the signal code and you will have to reprogram with a new code for it to work that’s what for the paid site that last 8 to 10 years then dish change the code way different the code change everday sometimes more then you have to get a new box that are web base attach so they just update themself then suddenly the party is over. They have amazon fire stick jail break now but no locals that’s where Tablo come in. The thing in life that I learn is nothing in life is constant except changes life’s to short just enjoy the ride it will be different tomorrow.

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You could always go for the free 24 hour guide. I’ve been paying an annual rate for several years. I wasn’t sure how long it would be in service. I’ve changed devices and methods multiple times over the years. Then there how “lifetime” could be defined -the lifetime of the service, could end at anytime.

I will continue to pay the $4.16 per month (49.99 per year) for my 8+ year old OG 2 tuner. I want to keep the ability for remote viewing and offloading recordings.


Free guide for legacy


Welcome! Might consider becoming familiar with the search function of the forums. You will find existing information about this feature request.

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We do plan to release a 4th Generation App experience for our Legacy models. Unfortunately, we don’t have an ETA yet.

We’ll move this thread to an earlier one, so we can keep these requests in one place.