Unable to connect to Tablo on one PC, others fine

I’m setting up a new PC and making all the tweaks. For some reason I cannot connect to my Tablo Quad. I go to My.TabloTV.com, tell it to connect and it comes back with “A connection to to your Tablo could not be established. Please check your internet connection.”
I can assure you this system is connected as I am entering this comment via that system. Also all the other computers here can connect easily. Device is current working normally otherwise. It has a valid IP address from my Router. I normally use Firefox as my browser of choice so tried Edge but get the same message.

I can attempt to access via that IP address but all I get is Nuvyyo Tablo Server.

I have completely power cycled my network to see if that might help. Nothing. It has to be something with this PC specifically but for the life of me not sure where to look. Not sure if this is a networking issue or some other hardware problem.

What does My.TabloTV.com access on the Tablo itself? Assuming it’s a built in web page gui? I mean I know was the gui looks like. But why does My.TabloTV.com work to access but via the IP address not? Also the login is showing an unsecured HTTP connection. Is that correct?

Reading some of the older post, you’ll find http://my.tablotv.com (make sure there’s no https) uses
https://api.tablotv.com/assocserver/getipinfo/ as a pseudo-network discovery for the tablo on your network. It returns the local IP. Then info is access not via port 80 wich is the “normal” HTTP access port (or 443 for HTTPS). So using http://[tabloIP]:80 is not going to get you there.

There is a lot of older postings, but I don’t think that’s really what you want. There may be some “security” or extensions/add-ons blocking you?

I can use that link you posted and see the info within the Tablo itself. It’s just a code page view however. So it is accessible via that link.

And looks like I figured it out. It was the Ad Blocker, uBlock Origin. I thought I tested that in the beginning to rule that out as the issue. I have uBlock Origin on all my PCs and more or less configured the same. I disabled it for My.TabloTV.Com and sure enough I was able to connect.

The odd thing here is most of my systems connected without issue even though they also had uBlock Origin running. So must be some small little setting difference that is blocking the connect.

That returns JSON from tablotv not your local device.

Asked why my.tablotv.com worked and not IP - the web app gets the IP from that reply as long as nothing is blocking your browser or other network security settings.

Then it access your local network. There are many posting if you click on the search icon

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