I have a Tablo Legacy unit and was getting an intermittent channel signal. I found that on the Tablo unit that where the ota antenna goes on that over the years. The antenna rf jacket become loose from way one has a tv that swivels. Over the years the swiveling of the tv causes the rf jack loosen up and then one gets an intermittent antenna connection causing the recording too fail.If the Tablo had a fastening nut on the inside threads of rf jack and one nut on the outside of the rf jacket tightened against the Tablo box thia might not happen. I had to take my unit apart and wire a 75 cable to the connection directly.If one tries to solder the outside ground connection on the rf cable it will not solder because it aluminium so I wrapped some copper braid around it and shrink tubed it. I found I had to take two conductor 18 size cord to the rf cable use a tie to hold to the Tablo box to keep it from pulling out. Now channels I could not get I rescanned and can get them?