Thicker rubber feet

Use thicker feet on underside of device to improve cooling.

edit: I just noticed this topic being discussed now in another thread. I’ve also seen post discussions about the heat. I see where a Tablo rep says it’s enough to provide some space underneath and keep the ambient temp human comfortable.

I just bought a 4th gen/4 tuner and have a gen4/2 tuner next to it. The 2 tuner runs barely warm, the 4 tuner somewhat warmer. So I am not having the severe heat problems that some posters have written about. Even so, I am going to raise them both up a little off the shelf, maybe .25 in.

May be overkill because the shelf I am using is already a grid and ventilated, but that’s how I like to do it. I do the same for other devices, modem, router, etc. I even vacuum out the vents now and then.

So if the Tablo came with slightly higher feet, I’d like that.

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