TabloTV DVR Update

Today November 3rd, TabloTV requested that it had to fix a minor software issue & requested that I:

1. Put my Tablo into Remote Troubleshooting Mode
2. Reply to the email so TabloTV knows it’s ready to be fixed

How long until the TabloTV DVR is ready to use again and the blue LED is in a solid state?

~ FourEyedLady

You can still use it. Enabling remote access does not disable the unit.

The email says not to use the device… Also want to be sure that the devise is updated fully.

Ok, that’s different, if they specifically told you not to use it.

It probably won’t be ready until tomorrow, since it’s after hours now.

Oh my… I wish they’d give a time line for things. Even MS Windows gives timelines.

Im surprised they told you not to use it as in remote mode it would work good. If you have it in an email I would reread it. If not you could try resetting the table completely and just put it back into remote mode early tomorrow. Since I dont know why you cant use it though this may not be the best idea.

This sounds more like maybe they had to manually fix something in the database.

They fixed things this morning when the staff was present. See me previous post

So what was the issue? And is it now fixed?

It is fixed but now I can not view prerecorded videos. :roll_eyes: