Tablos switching on their own?

I have 2 Tablos, each with its own SSD. #1 is for daily use with a lot of recordings, #2 is set up to record several TV shows for an archive. I check the recordings on #2 every week or two, then switch back to #1.

Every few days I will start up Tablo #1 (or so I thought) and to my surprise my regular daily shows are missing; what has happened is somehow tablo 1 has switched over to tablo 2, with no action on my part. Of its own volition so speak. It’s a several step process to switch over from 1 to 2 when I manually do so. I’m wondering how and why the tablos do the switch on their own, with no action needed by me?

I have only ever noticed this autoswitch form 1 to 2, not the other way. I switch over to #2 only every week or two, just briefly to make sure the archive is being filled.

Not an exact solution, but recommend you try naming your primary Tablo to be sorted alphabetically before your secondary Tablo.

TabloA (primary)
TabloB (secondary)

Name the Tablos anything you want as long as the primary comes before the secondary alphabetically.

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thanks for the idea, i will try it out