Tablo won't stay Connected

Sideloaded FireTV Tablo App is up and running again too… seems to be working flawlessly.


Where did you get the Tablo APK to sideload to the Fire TV? Thanks!
Support had me delete shows so the drive is less than 80% full and it's now working again... So apparently there must be some reason the auto delete feature isn't auto deleting... :D

So you can’t use a full 2T drive, must leave what, 200G or so unused?


Where did you get the Tablo APK to sideload to the Fire TV? Thanks!

I added the chrome extension ‘apk downloader’ and then downloaded the apk from using the chrome browser.

Support had me delete shows so the drive is less than 80% full and it's now working again... So apparently there must be some reason the auto delete feature isn't auto deleting... :D

So you can’t use a full 2T drive, must leave what, 200G or so unused?

Well I can’t… I’m not sure about anyone else but I wouldn’t think you could use the entire 2TB without issue based on my experience.  I’m sure the Tablo team is working on a fix.

@Jerz @ShadowsPapa Quick correction on may part! Auto-delete follows this rule:

4 hours of recording time depending on your current recording quality, times the number of tuners the Tablo has.