Tablo won't show broadcast when guide is incorrect

I’m putting this in General because I don’t want support or to troubleshoot, but I can put it there if it needs to be, I just wanted to see if others had this issue or if Tablo knows about it.

On a couple occasions the guide is not up to date. I.e. there is a football game on, but the guide says it’s regular programming. If I click to watch that channel an error pops up and says the program can’t be played. There is a dialog with retry or exit Tablo. If you click retry the broadcast displays for a split second then goes back to the error. If you click exit Tablo it exits obviously. Why can’t Tablo just play the channel as-is even if the guide is wrong? Seems kind of dumb. I just exit Tablo at that point and just watch through the TV losing the ability to pause, etc.

Out of curiosity, are you clicking on the program title or the channel name/number? If you click on the channel icon/name/number, it will play whatever is on, even if there is no guide data for it.

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I generally only click the channel name number. So no, mine doesn’t play if the guide data is not there.

I haven’t seen that behavior and I have many wrong guide entries on the sub channels. However, I’m not saying this isn’t happening to you.

What platform are you using for Tablo? I’m currently using Roku and iOS (for phone viewing).