Tablo, Uber and Multiple Devices

Interesting take on Uber’s approach to multiple device exposure:

"Wherever you are, whatever you do, whatever device you own, Uber wants to give you a ride.

You can call an Uber car from your Apple Watch, Pebble smartwatch, or Microsoft Band 2 fitness tracker. Facebook Messenger has an Uber app built right in. If you work in an office, you can grab an Uber from right within Microsoft Outlook, Slack, or Atlassian HipChat. You can call an Uber from Microsoft Windows 10, or price one up via Google Maps. Not to mention the Uber apps for iPhone and Android."

Same philosophy as Tablo in terms of general device interfacing and exposure.

Not a bad business model for Uber if you have a kick ass s/w development team. What confuses me about Tablo is that they seem to hold Roku up as the premier streaming device for their product. While Tablo seems to work well on Nvidia, Nexus, Fire, and Apple TV; Roku is the one platform that is giving it fits so the marketing pitch for Roku has always confused me. I have had such a bad experience on Roku that I fear Tablo may be turning off so many new customers to its product that it will place their product in jeopardy.

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It’s been Tablo’s good fortune that there have been other player devices capable of picking up the Roku failings as people have been making the switchover. It may be best for a company to make sure it has a variety of alternate devices for its offering. The days of a closed environment are numbered as even Microsoft has realized lately.

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