Tablo takes up to 3 mins to load, or goes to Setup Screen

It’s not like the gen 4 tablo has a setting where a user can turn off FAST channels and have all the gen 4 apps not need the constant phone home and are better behaved like the legacy apps.

Of course they are spending so much time with gen 4 they also might not realize that the legacy roku app might be misbehaving on Roku OS 13.

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I’ve had a 4th gen 4-tuner model for close to a year now (bought it as soon as it was available). I find it disturbing that it’s been 6 mos later and these “infrastructure” backoffice related issues don’t appear to be getting any better. I personally could care less about Tablo’s attempt at turning their platform in to yet another streaming device/service. I buy Tablo for local OTA programming, and aside from the programming guide, do NOT want any dependance on backoffice systems to load and run. Sort of defeats the whole cord cutter’s creed!! I’ve been an avid Tablo customer and supporter for 10 years. I’ll give Scripps another year to get their act together with their 4th gen product, then I’ll actively start looking for alternatives. I’ll be sure and post my findings in their forums.


Preaching to the choir. A full year of the Tablo 4th gen 4 tuner. I’ve ridden this wave of outages, software bugs and other issues. I keep hoping the company will have a solid product for us ‘cord cutters’, going on 12+ years.

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In fairness, if you have been around 12 years you know what to expect and it shouldn’t be a surprise. I’ll still take the bumps over the cost of cable.