Tablo Ripper downloads partial files

I have an older generation Tablo and have been using Tablo Ripper for years. The last couple of months Tablo Ripper will only download a portion of the file. I have reloaded Tablo Ripper on my computer. I have tried changing locations of where the downloads are sent with the same results. any help would be appreciated.
Thank You

I’ve seen this behavior also.

I checked the length of the video that Tablo Ripper had downloaded. I then went into Tablo to view the video and fast forwarded to shortly before what Tablo Ripper said was the length of the video. When playing the video on Tablo, there was always a short interruption of the signal. It wasn’t long enough for Tablo to stop recording, but apparently it was long enough to cause Tablo Ripper to stop ripping. So, I’ve always marked up these failures as being due to poor signal reception, even if just for a second or two.

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Great detective work