Hey folks!
Just wanted to share a tool I put together for other Linux folks like myself. I have a Plex server running on a CentOS distribution of Linux and have been wanting to find a way to move/organize my Tablo DVR recordings to it.
The solution I’ve devised is a Docker container with a “Capto” installation and custom Python script that queries the Tablo every night and moves the recordings to the appropriate directory. For example, TV recordings will be put in the folder "/TV/Show Name/Season Number/Show Title.mp4 so that Plex can index and display them properly.
For those who would find it helpful, the dockerhub link is https://hub.docker.com/r/rwalsh3711/tablo_to_plex/
Here are quick start instructions. Please let me know if you run across any issues or have ideas for improvement!
This docker image needs to be run from a system with mounted access to your parent Plex repository directory.
The Plex parent directory should have three folders named “TV”, “Movies” and “Sports” to match the Tablo DVR recording labels.
Steps for usage:
Copy the docker file contents below into a file called “Dockerfile”
Modify the Docker file line “ENV TABLO_IP” and replace “” with your Tablo’s IP address
Build your docker image with the following command: “docker build -t tablo_to_plex .”
Run the docker image either manually or as a cron job using the following options: “docker run -v /path/to/your/Plex/directory:/Plex tablo_to_plex”
End of Instructions
Start of Dockerfile
FROM rwalsh3711/tablo_to_plex:latest
CMD [“python”, “tablo_query”]