Tablo on

So whats the chances that we see the Tablo Dual Tuner show up on once the Quad Tuner is available?  I see that has their flagship STV2 (really sucks at life) on today for $149.99.  I find this very funny that I pre-ordered it from them in Dec., didn’t receive it until Feb 2nd, and it wasn’t working hardly at all for the first 4 months I had it… on and lets not forget i paid 249.99 for it.  :-D

We saw that too :smiley:

It’s highly unlikely that you’ll see Tablo on Woot. It’s not in our plan at all whatsoever. 

Some third-party retail partners like NewEgg may choose to place Tablo on sale from time to time, but we feel our hardware is awesome and worth what we charge on a regular day. 

Perhaps sometime in the mythical future if we choose to do Tablo 2.0 hardware we might discount the previous version but that’s not even on the ‘way out there’ roadmap. 
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I like and respect that answer cause I 100% agree! Good show @TabloTV. :wink:

Thanks @PiX64!  :-bd

A BIG ditto on PIX64 comment.  It is OK for a quality company to make a profit on a competitively priced product folks.